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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Friday, 07 March 2008
So the Crier called out in alarm and we left the Western mountain and Jensen, together, and made the journey towards Fartown. Every step I took seemed to require some supreme effort to make it. One foot was pushed in front of the other. But they were by my side. As slow or as fast as I could make a step, their steps matched mine. I do not know whether I stepped in their steps, they trod in mine, or whether we moved in perfect harmony together. All I know is that the distance was gradually covered. Every step made me feel sick to my stomach for I could feel my fear rising. Not just for where we were going and what we might face; their words rang in my ears: The hurt in their voice and eyes, though they struggled hard to hide it. “But what could have happened to make you turn from the path”. I still have not answered them. The Crier’s call snatched the moment from them and took away the space to answer. But answer them I must. I looked upon that face - stolen glimpses they were - and felt such a tearing within me. All that faith in me and love for me - and yet I could do such a thing. Did such a thing. What can I ever tell them to mend it….. If I could put it into words they would be such words - they would be words that generations could cling to as the epitome of love, of faith, of saying sorry. But I cannot. Can a touch of a hand and looking into another’s eyes say it? Perhaps. At least those thoughts took my mind away from other fears as we travelled. I knew the battle would be long over and so did they - yet they stayed by my side and we both kept up the pretence that we were answering the call.

Then the grasslands - just one step taken away from the path and I was undone. The creatures were there - Richard’s old adversaries - and I had forgotten about them. Cousins to the darker creatures and it seemed to me that all their malice and venom leapt at me in the light and air. Panic blinded me - my eyes screwed shut - I cried out I think - though I do not know what it was I said. I had to run - run away…. But I told them where I was going. I awoke and found them at my side. I have dozed fitfully and whenever I open my eyes - there I find them still. I have sat and re-read my words. Just one step from the path was my undoing. True for more than just journeying through the grasslands.

I gaze up now at the sight of a place I love. I glance now at the face of the one I love. I just wish I could read that face and know just how deeply I have hurt them.
Vardian posted @ 10:40 - Link - comments
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