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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Tuesday, 08 March 2005
Wonderful day

Another wonderful day in the land I call my true home. My visit to the caravan was sucessful - the babe a delight to all, and especially I. I could see in her the chance of a good life with good people unsullied by raw class.

The only thing that made this lovely reunion less than happy was the ache I felt in my heart to be parted from my love. Every mile in my long slow journey away from Valorn seemed to burn my soul and scar my feet until each step was a pain to bear. And yet - there was some thanks in my heart for it - if ever I realised even more truly my feelings it is now. I need the man that is called King body and soul and there is no denying it to myself, to him or others any longer.

As soon as I returned I sent myself away into the mountains and trained as hard as I could. I met with some of my dear brethren and was heartily gladened by it - but I was uncontent even in the gods work with the desire to see my love. I did not, and still do not, know whether my letters reached him.

Just as the cold was to penetrate me too far, news from a messenger that my love knew of my return and called for me. Not that he ever would call for me - but i fool myself that was the nature of his message! And upon reaching the garden that has become so special to me how happy was I, how content! How truly home in the arms of Deek, my lord, my King!

We spoke of much - and my heart was touched with the uncertainty in the mans heart - he questioned as though he believed I had left to consider my position with him - nothing further from the truth. He knelt and pledged to me what he could - more that I deserve or expected and by the gods it is so much more than mere contentment!

We left for the Dundee Inn surprised to see it all but empty - of course this did not last long and happy times were spent listening to tales of my dearests accession to the throne. It was strange to hear speak of my love as a man the same as all others who sat in the inn today - and yet of course he is! Flesh and blood and life and love. Then reality - he must leave to sort through affairs of state. It is his destiny and I will help him in any way I can.

Love is a funny thing....

Vardian posted @ 18:24 - Link - comments
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