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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Life should always be so.

Dearest Topaz looked so dedicated, so proud, as did all her dear brethren - many of them my brethren. The garden looked wonderful as I remembered it. Their words so solemn and heartfelt and somehow so full of quiet passion. I am glad I was there although I would be lying to myself if I said it was easy to be there. They are among the people I love best and I miss them every day. Yet to see their joy and the quiet pride in their achievement was a blessing and I thank the gods for it. Dear Jake - it was so good of him to accompany me. That roguish warrior! He let me take his arm and escorted me like the secret gentleman I have always known him to be. Beloved brother.

As yet, the rumours I had heard have come to nothing. I have heard from one or two others that yes, they had seen Richard. Yet I can find no trace. I wandered the grasslands again through the night in the faint hope that perhaps I might see him or even a trace that he had been there. But no, there was nothing. It surely could not be that people have been mistaken: no I do not believe that for dearest Purazon was one to have told me. No - patience is the thing I never have been able to master. I must be patient. Richard has been in a self imposed absent state for a long time - could it be he does not WANT to see anyone? If that is so then I must not rush to find him, though of course I long to. The wishes of one should not direct the actions of another. Now I think on it I should remind myself of that more often.....

Dearest Purazon's Clue contest has been a great success - despite my best efforts.... The guild are enjoying judging the other contests too.

Yes life should always be so - I have a healthy strong body that does as I tell it, I have a home, I have family, I have friends - and I can enjoy watching them grow together.

Thank you...
Vardian posted @ 06:18 - Link - comments
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