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Midnight Sonata
Midnight Sonata
Friday, 15 February 2008
I saw him again. Finally. He just walked into Cerbie's like he'd always done before, and when I heard Skyls and Az say hello to him, I couldn't believe my ears. But he was there, completely solid and real, and strangely everyone seemed to filter away. He took me in his arms, took my hand and watched over me while I slept. And now I can't get myself away from the Grill! It's surreal...very surreal. But now, the weight on my heart seems to be lifted now that I've seen the love of my life again. And though we may wake at separate times, we can always have the joy of looking upon each other's sleeping features when we do.

I've found myself thinking back recently to how giggly and bouncy I used to be. Like that one time when Skyls took me to Bran, a very long time ago in fact, and I couldn't stop giggling or laughing and I ran from place to place, not waiting for him to catch up and ending up an exhausted lump sitting in the inn. I used to have a lot of fun like that, always energetic and bubbly and most likely very annoying. And then sis once told me that I had grown up a lot, mentally. I guess I can see what she means now, since I can no longer imagine dashing about and giggling and bouncing like I used to.

Ah, well...good times. These are all good times. Especially now that Seph is with me again.

» Ermin Appleblossom posted @ 18:14 » - Link - comments (1)