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Midnight Sonata
Midnight Sonata
Friday, 23 November 2007
We visited the temple today - it was so beautiful. It radiated a soft, golden light that warmed me to the depths of my heart. I left a gift on the altar as the cleric lady had suggested in the room before. A candyball was probably inappropriate, but it was really all I had. Seph left a gull plume, and they sit side by side on the altar. Whether they'll be noticed by Ben, is a completely different matter.

I had to leave early, though...I feel myself getting tired easily more and more as the days pass. I wish I didn't, because I want to stay with Seph everyday as long as I possibly can. But I seem to be getting frail mentally and it's depressing. I just hope he doesn't take it the wrong way, because I do love him...I would kill myself if I hurt him in any way, and he seemed slightly upset that I had to go...I hate myself for it.

He told Skye, and Skye was so happy for me. I love my big sis - she is everything to me. Without her, I don't know what I'd do...she makes my day, everyday. I could live with just Seph and her. I love them both so dearly...they're perfect.

I told Trip, but I didn't tell Seph I had told Trip. He hadn't told me had told Skye, so I didn't really think much of it, but Trip said omission of information was a form of lying. So he went ahead and told Seph that I had told him. I was angry and enraged, but I hid it all with a smile. He can be so arrogant and obnoxious and egoistic, sometimes. I hate him for that.

I should rest now, though...I feel so frail right now.

» Ermin Appleblossom posted @ 18:27 » - Link - comments