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Midnight Sonata
Midnight Sonata
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
It's been finished, between me and him. I told him I would treasure the rings forever, told him that he was the only man who had loved me so purely for who I was. He shrugged it off, just like he shrugged off my last kiss. I felt the pain pounding in my heart, stabbing at me, tearing off my skin...

But then, who am I to hurt, when I have no right to? I caused this, it's all my fault. I have no right to hurt.

And then, through all that, I was in Cerbie's, only able to say all that to him by bird, unable to say it to his face. Soon, an old woman entered the Grill. She did fortune-telling, and she did it for Skye and for Jezz, and finally I asked if she could do it for me.

The first, she told something as of the like that I should leave behind my tormented dreams and make my own. That one, I cannot remember clearly.

The second, she said that the scar on my shoulder will only fade when my heart makes up its mind. That, I remember clearly.

The third, she said I should use my hands to build or hug, not wring them to cry.

The fourth, beware of sweet drinks.

How can my heart make up its mind? And believe me, I've tried to stop wringing my hands to bring out tears, but I just can''s too painful, to come out of the shadows of self-pity and try to be normal.

I vented it all out on Seph, because I had nothing better to do. I pounded on the Life Monument, because I was so frustrated. Oh, what would I do without my mad little cleric? What would I do without all my friends?

But most of all, what would I do without...everything?

» Ermin Appleblossom posted @ 23:53 » - Link - comments