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Age: 21
Location: Valorn
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
last days
April 2007

Thursday, 26 April 2007
Oh how I will make her regret giving me leave to read her journal entries. Given any chance whatsoever, I will do everything within my power to stop her from leaving these lands. I can only hope that he will come to her before then, because I have not been around long enough to be important enough to stay for. If she feels like she is alone in these lands, she is being blinded by her own sadness…

If you read this Ellyana, perhaps you should think of the fact that you will only be truly alone if you go away from the reach of those who care about you…


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It has been nearly a decade since I've felt a rage such as this. My anger is almost palpable. I can feel it coiling inside my body, with pure black tendrils waiting to loose.

I stayed at her side through the night until she fell asleep wrapped in my cloak.

I stayed there as her tears fell like rain, soaking my shoulder as she wept for you.

I stayed, assuring her that you would come to her.

My body is trembling with emotions I thought I had long locked away. How could you do this to her? I can’t even fathom it. Who wouldn’t come when someone who they claimed to care about was in need? What’s worse is that I fully believed that you would come. I assured her that you would and I had no doubts, even as the hours passed. I could never let those who are precious to me suffer, standing idly by stewing in my own problems.

I can only hope that I can somehow keep her here…
Atkin posted @ 09:36 - Link - comments