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The Observatory
The Observatory
An old journal that's seen better days. Half the pages have been torn out, the remnants a shadow of a previous life.
Friday, 24 March 2023
Ha! Best laid plans and all that .....

My initial idea was to head straight to the Tower once I'd been to Ethucan but as is normal with me, my plans changed. It's been so long since I set foot on Ethucan that I thought I would spend a turn or two exploring. I've been trying to remember if we ever came here but I can't recall ... some memories are like smoke, they slip between my fingers as I try to grab hold of them. You though, you have always had a good memory and I am sure you'll write and let me know, or you'll whisper to me on the wind in the dead of night when everyone else sleeps.

The plan now is Ethucan, the Tower and then I think I will head to the Farmhouse. I still have the key safely tucked away in the Bank and I've had word from Davidus at the Port that all is well with the Farmhouse. I am a little concerned by how many cats we now own but at least they might be keeping the mice at bay ... or not!

After that, I'm not so sure. I fancy a trip up into the mountains where I can spend my turns sitting with you by a waterfall.
Bebhinn posted @ 15:34 - Link - comments
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