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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
People come and people go. Thats how Im gonna see it from now on and not stress about it, they will do as they please, as they see fit..and as long as everyone remains happy, thats all I really care for.

The guild, it wanes, I cannot lie...but a guild is the sum of its people, not just its leader. It is not purely my guild, it's our guild and together we shall make it sing once more. Leader is just a badge we pin to the person we leave the stress, it's not fun and games, nor honour and renown. it really is a crappy job..but one so worth it if you can get it right. It has its extremes, you are hailed for its triumphs and stoned for its failures, but it really is the sum of the people inside. One person can not enthuse the masses if they wish to stay apathetic, no matter how much they wish to.

I think it shook them, to realise how much we had all fallen into our own rut, our own path of ignoring and doing..but they are awake now, they know. We need to replace officers, but I guess Merry and I need to think long and hard about it..officers are people you need to trust, to help, to bear a the burden, to share in the truimphs nad failures. People that have to be ready to work if it calls for it, sacrifice if it calls for that to. And sacrifice you shall, if you truly are commited, pin the word sacrifice to your notice board, because it will entail it.

Recruiting, I think that should come as it comes, to pressure us all into thinking we must be more, we must struggle and push ourselves, others..nay. We will not fail by just being what we are, finding our reserve and then when we are settled once more, find our enthusiasm.

I think it is time for a guild meeting, to take stock, explain, talk, share...and laugh.
Celestia posted @ 10:07 - Link - comments (4)
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