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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Monday, 04 February 2008
Why are people just so vicious? Do they find pleasure in being so? Does it make them sleep better at night to know they have caused someone else discomfort. Are they proud of themselves for doing so? I was always taught, if you have nothing nice to say..just shut up. Why on earth do people go out of their way to cause more misery, it just ..I just don't get it. All our dirty laundry is dragged through the streets for people to see and whipser at in corners...why not concentrate upon your own lives instead of being verbally abusive about other peoples.

It is for no other reason than to cause upset and pain. What kind of people do that? To gain self satisfaction at making another hurt is just plain petty and foolish. Don't get me wrong, I say things, I hurt people, I do things that are stupid and selfish..but I dont think I have ever once set out to intetionally hurt someone with something I have said or done. If I have an opinion about someone elses business, I do not shout it around the hills for all and sundry to hear.

What is the world coming to, when we have nothing better to do than pick and poke at each other. It is a sad day in Valorn when we become so petty and bitter...and it is a day of rejoice in Balthazars fortress. Every little piece of each other we chip away, is another piece he doesnt have to. What a waste of life.

If you've nothing nice to say..just dont say will make you a better person in the long run.

I wonder what kind of responses I shall get to this, in my own space to write my own thoughts..will it be snide remarks and snipes about my nature or my mistakes...we shall see.
Celestia posted @ 10:39 - Link - comments (5)
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