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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Friday, 16 November 2007
I wanted to invade again tonight..but I resisted... He will be sick of my lingering presence no doubt and I have caused him enough in the way of confusion for now I think. So I content myself with my little book of nonsense and random musings.

Amzer, ever forgiving, is speaking to me once again, it's ..good, though he hides how deep my words cut I think. We play at ignoring it..I apologised for my anger. I think he will spend his life hearing my apologies for my behaviour. Not often am I angry...careless, yes, foolish? always...but angry, well..not so often. He is reluctant to speak with me, but I do not blame him. He has opened up to me so many times and I have hurt him in return for each one of them.

Where is Gareth? Not seeing him is driving me mental, I have ..well I cannot remember the last time I havent talked to him in this long.. Im worried.

I have planted a little lavender at the edge of the baths, it sits at the bottom of one of the great oaks. The colour such a contrast to the deep browns of the bark, it draws my eye. Not that it wouldnt anyway..everytime I close my eyes I see it.
Celestia posted @ 19:42 - Link - comments
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