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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Friday, 16 November 2007
The book was crisp and clean, the pages showing no passage of time. I opened to the cover, as I had done so many times over that day. The script, clearly in a hand more used to weapon than quill, a slight pull of a letter here and there hinting at a pause for thought as the words drifted along the parchment. I read, my skin shuddered, my stomach tensed and my mind swirled, reeling through emotion to thought to confusion. I read words and re-read them until I had passed over every possible nuance, every possible conceivable meaning, then shook myself, discarded every thought and started over.
I should never have taken it, it served only to confuse me more I think. Where I was just lazily drifting through days with a smile, now my mind continuously returns to the words, or a touch or a...gah. As is wont with my life, I inevitably made a mistake, once he knew I had read I may as well be bold about my visit.
Birds, often I have shaped them, it's not a form I need to concentrate about concealing my three words for him. I figured I owed him that much, considering my blatant and audacious demand for his. It took me a long time to find just three I wanted to convey, it scares me to be, and scares me to hold back too much, but I found three that were perfect and left them.

I havent seen Gareth in a few days, I am worried about him, I miss him..Amzer still hasnt spoken to me, not that I blame him in the least and Isaac...well..the gods only know where he has drifted to. I miss my sunshine, she never wakes anymore
Celestia posted @ 12:04 - Link - comments (4)
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