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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Thursday, 08 November 2007
Every word pushes me, every situation grates at me. Each little thing, is just another little thing to add to the multitude of reasons why. An idle comment made in jest...after all this time, does he really know me at all? Everything we have been through and such an ...innocent thing, can cause his reaction.

Every week it's something else, the repercussions are felt by everyone, not just me. Tension can be the downfall of everything. If one idle comment can start something, what happens when we all have a bad day together? I work hard, I try hard..most of the time. What for? More drama? Like I dont create enough of my own damn drama without adding to it.

Perhaps it was all innocence and tired minds
Celestia posted @ 10:54 - Link - comments
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