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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Saturday, 03 November 2007
So you need something? What? if you dont know how am I supposed to? Will I ever have it? Will I ever be what you want, need? So the book isnt about you...does it matter? You know who I am, you know all my faults, all my fears, all my sins. You think you can cope with that? Who am I to either will or you wont. You dont listen to my words, I cant change your mind. You wont take what I offer, you want what you dream of.

What irks you? That I write words and they arent centered around what you want? Im tired of this, tired of games and foolishness. It's there, you want it? Take it...demand it..make it so. Challenge it, make it yours, captivate and hold it...fight for it, dont wait for it.

What happened to romance? What happened to fire? Where did we leave passion and replace it with words. It's an uphill battle huh? Always up, never quite reaching the top. So what? you stop half way and settle at the wayside? Theres entertainment there, a fair enough view..who needs to see the top when you are content there?

I wouldnt blame you, many a brave soul was conquered by unclimbable terrain.
Celestia posted @ 10:04 - Link - comments
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