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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Saturday, 03 November 2007
So much happened that I wanted to vent about so many things that either shocked me to my core, or warmed my heart that I coudnt...didnt have the words to express it. Even after a full nights rest I am still so completely torn.

It..astounds me..leaves me breathless, at how some people can base their own happiness on upsetting others. I have a sadistic nature when inclined, but I am not, never have been and Never will be, intentionally hurtful to peoples feelings when I have no place to be there at ALL. How does a persons self esteem drop so low that the only way they can gain a small spark is to ignite agony in another. I pity it..pity it to my core. I was angry angry I could not form words to think, let along speak. How DARE someone use me in that way, use my name, my experiences. It's sickening....I feel so sorry for them, what a shallow waste of life, it must all taste like dust and ashes.

It infuriates me more that someone can make me feel so ...I wanted to shout, scream..hurt things. I hate that someone can make me feel that way..can turn me into the very thing I despise so much. In the midst of that people just shine.....Trip, Pers, Gareth, Shir, Amzer, Abra, Shawna...they reminded me who I am..just their time, just the moments spent idly with them. They saved me from my own anger without even knowing and I love them for it...

Without the people who shine so much in my life, I would be nothing...without you, I am nothing.
Celestia posted @ 04:52 - Link - comments (1)
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