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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
It has been long, too long since I worked at parchment nor silk for someone. So long since I haven even thought for it. I thought ..when I started, that I would not remember the delicate play, that my fingers would not be sure, nor steady...that I would have forgotten the twists, the folds...that I had lost the art....But as I sat and worked, my mind concentrating upon my task as I spoke words..neither here nor there, nothing of import..just words to stop me worrying over the task at just came.

I cannot explain why, I do not know what possessed me to even have the want to make the form, but the idea popped into my head and it had never seemed more ...right. I do not have much, no talent to speak of, I cannot sing nor play, I have not the soul of a poet nor the voice of an angel. I cannot twist the shadows nor inspire hearts. I am just a simple woman...but...

I can dance....and I can form parchment and silk to anything I set my mind to, when I try hard and have the notion. has been long and no they are not masterpieces of art, not works to be treasured and kept...but they are mine, things that I have to gift...things I can put my mind to, ...things I can create instead of destroy.

Even now as I sit, my fingers do not feel it as you work, you do not even realise you strain the muscles...but it has been so long..and the last things I made were naught but simple flowers..this required much more of my attention.

Ahh perhaps it will not even be foolish little gift, it's not something of value ...but it's a simple gesture..and thats all I have.
Celestia posted @ 18:31 - Link - comments (9)
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