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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Monday, 06 August 2007
Revelation -Life is hard.

Every day is a struggle against our own thoughts and emotions, against our worries and fears, our deep seeded insecurities and the myriad of stresses and strains we are exposed to with each passing moment. Life sucks, most of the's hard to think straight, and when you do finally manage to make some sense of it you realise you didnt want to be doing that in the first place. You let time slip by without noticing and then wake up one day and look back at all the wasted moments, all that precious time you spent ...just wasting.

Time is precious..cherish it's not easy and yes it is all too easy to be dragged down by our own self created mess and not see the woods for the trees...but every now and again your eyes will open and you'll be hit by the epiphany that each moment should be treasured..we dont live Live..

Life is hard..every single moment of it is hard...but hold it close and let each and every single struggle play out as if it were an hour..a day ...a day we will all be wondering where all our moments went, enjoy it....while we can.

Sometimes...just sit back and feel the wind on your does not have to be all about fuss and bother....just ..sometimes...just listen for the simple things and .........enjoy
Celestia posted @ 19:18 - Link - comments
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