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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Sunday, 05 August 2007

I am trying, as much as I can I am trying...I have to..I know that now, it's not about me..I have to, I must pick myself up, there are others things to think of and be doing. This book is like an helps none at ll but I need it...I need the release of whats inside..the questions..I have no answers for them when they come. When people read and want to know..what can I say?...If I could say it out there then I would not need to hide it in here.

I dont even think about what I am just flows from my mind and directs my hands and's why this often seems like..rambling ..much like now.

tomorrow I will face the questions of today
How prudent that each and every day. Tomorrow, I will face the questions I wrought today...and I will still be powerless to answer them, for I myself do not know. It's why these pages will never truly be all that I want them to be. I cannot face the questions that would come..the price I would pay for it.

I promised him if I needed to hide...I would hide with him....I know, in my heart that I wont be able to hold up to that..sometimes I will and sometimes I will seek the silence that one only finds in solitude. Silence from the world so I can hear my own myriad of thoughts eddying around my mind and try ..try as I might to make some sense of......something.

I let the mask drop, just a little...and nobody wanted to see what was behind it...a lesson learned
Celestia posted @ 17:17 - Link - comments (2)
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