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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Friday, 03 August 2007
And here I sit, and answer the questions of yesterday to whomever may ask. The problem is they do not want to hear...they never really have. I have hit a low..a point within my apathy which I cannot seem to's all engulfs not only me but the others close to me also. I am surprised anyone wishes to spend any time with me at all.....I emanate apathy. I have no explanation for it, I cant give people the reasons, the words dont come out at all. I know no one can fix it...fix me..and I cannot pick myself up, I just feel like I have spent so long with my cheek pressed to the dirt, looking at nothing but the boots of life...trying with every ounce of my energy to lift my head and glance a different view..just for a moment...just a glimpse of something.

Im waiting for the miracualous to walk in and save me, doesnt exist. I am lost and there is no cure, no solution that I can see. I just lay here, with the dust of the path clogging my tongue and dulling my senses as I watch the rest of the world walk on by.

When words..the words everyone wants to hear, when they turn to just sounds what do you have left...nothing..theres the bottom, I can see it clearly with my own two eyes. I have hit it...the only direction left is up right? ..

So which way is that?
Celestia posted @ 17:40 - Link - comments
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