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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
I woke one had risen yet...they all looked, not peaceful, but like they needed the sleep..I left them to enjoy what little rest you can manage in this place ...I do not know how or when sleep finally overcame me, but it must have. I remember brief flashes of my dreams.. images of fear and blood...sounds work strangely here...they do not behave as they do in the open...I am starting to feel the pressure of the walls around me, pressing in against's so dark down here, I do not know how Corum and Shawna are coping. The only reason I can see anything at all is for the blessing of my weapon. Without what little light I have, I think I would be losing my mind down here. They sleep more than I...they seem to find it easily....I cannot, it does not come until exhaustion is driving it.

Xap woke...he ran to see if the demon and reformed...and there it stood, staring back at him in full fury. He retreated back to us and roused us from the stuper that seems to consume you here. I am awake...but Im not sure I am's wearing at my nerves. I think I will cry when next I see the sun. Corum, was lost to his dreams, and Shawa had just opened her eyes..we bundled out of our cloaks..and ran to the demon, enchanting ourselves randomly as we ran. Xap went in...our experiences of the day before had taught us vital lessons about the beast. He fought nothing I have seen...just relentless in his attack...when it was weakend...he called me. I was so afraid to face the beast again...but I crept slowly back into it's was bleeding and backed into a corner...but fierce, scared..I could see it's fear flashing at wasnt fighting from was fighting for it's life. I almost faltered....I almost faltered in my resolve...I didnt see a demon I saw an animal....I am not as strong as the others. I pulled together every last ounce of my will and I started to fight..slash and's claws, it's just's like fighting a mountain. After what seemed like an muscles were water...I could barely stand let alone almost caught be so many times..trapped me in it's lair with no retreat...but finally, as I drew my blade once more to hack..I had no strategy left, there was no finesse to my fight, no real fight...just blind fell, it fell in front of my's lifeblood spilling over my feet..pooling around them. I stood there, glancing down at the last breaths of the demon I had just slain...I caught it's stared up at me, eyes glazed..I could see it's confusion, register it's didn't understand it was the last moment. it couldnt grasp what had just happened..these people, these it's home, causing pain and destruction....I had empathy for it...I wanted to cry and yet I wanted to scream in I knelt to take a little of it's blood into my jar...and I watched it's ...what I can only describe as a's torso...heave for the very last time, I sent a prayer up for that demon....

I guess I am a fool
Celestia posted @ 08:15 - Link - comments (1)
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