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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Im surprised this, hmm what to call it? Book of foolishness? It matters not I guess, the point remains I am surprised it is still whole and for the most part untainted. I dare not read back. Though it is all my own thoughts and feelings, there are some things in life it is best to remember clouded by the haze of time. To relive them raw would be, well, not something I want to experience.

Time allows you indifference to what once you hated, a smile where once you cried and to scar where once you bled. It is a greater fool than I to deny it what good it will do.

Some things never change, same stuff, diffrerent day. There is Emmy, as Emmylike as ever, doing the same things she did when last I saw her. Spyne, who as always is doing all the things Spyne always does. Sorynn, who becomes ever more outwardly placid, though remains the bundle of emotions she was when I met her, even if only inwardly. Even Skye, flighty as ever, here a moment and gone again before I can even catch my breath. All the good things.

Though of course, what would Valorn be without the random interjections from strangers in the street? Same as ever, my shadow follows me, merely to pop up when the sun is shining and turn my rays to shade. Im actually smiling at the irony of it, but the shadow is where time is my biggest ally.

What once was unbearable, time twists to leave merely quietly amusing. Funny how you appreciate some things that never change.
Celestia posted @ 18:54 - Link - comments (4)
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