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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Sunday, 07 September 2008
The soul, I guess the word means something different to everyone. I woke tonight, and for a brief second I had this thought.

The soul isnt mass, its not skin and bone, or flesh and blood. It's not feelings you've had, or tears you've shed. It's not a song you sing, or the effort with which you do so. It's not a collection of memories and experiences ...well, at least not to me. It's something much more raw, more primal. It's what makes It's that tingle through your body and mind, it's the thrill of anticipation and the spasm of dread. It's not emotion, for thats sentient, that requires a body and mind to make it alive, real..exist. It's the basis of emotion, it's the potential for it, all kinds. The spark of love, the thunder of fear, the swell of pride, the wail of loss, the scratch of hate. It's all, but nothing.

If we are all but matter and nothing more, then the can it, does it, exist without the shell with which to hold it. Will it merely float away as we decay? But it's not tangilble, it's not mass. It's not light, or time. It's not something we encase within our bodies, but something our bodies are made around. It occured to me, that our essense, it has no time span past it's creation...once it exists, it will do so intil time itself exists no more.

Everytime we share a little, we pass a little of ourselves along. We infuse others with Each one of us makes a little tiny part of another that we love, and that love us. Without knowing, we acept each other, we mingle, we intertwine...until we share on a level we do comprehend. Part of us, becomes part of them..and as they become part of another, so our soul continues, so we move on, reach further..reincarnate. Each new connection, merely another pathway, another connection back.

Every time we make a connection, we share ourselves..we accept and are accepted, we share the essense that makes us, we infuse others with a little part of our being. Everytime we do..we reincarnate...and maybe..on a primal, raw level...maybe we are immortal.

Maybe I should sleep more.

But just in case....maybe I should connect more too..
Celestia posted @ 21:22 - Link - comments (1)
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