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About Me
Age: 15
Location: Dundee
Blog Description
A tattered and rather squirrel chewed journal is stuffed into his clothing and carried with him everywhere.
last days
February 2006
January 2006
February 2005
January 2005
Sunday, 05 February 2006
I slept last night beneath a tree. The stars shone brilliantly, ivory pinpoints in an ebony sky. The tips of elephant tusks piercing a black blanket again and again. It was cold enough to make my breath billow with soft white into the air. As I lay on my back, my coloured breath would rise and briefly cloud my vision of the stars. I felt like I was creating my own fog or a veil to hide me from sight. From existence.

I had packed the snow up around me into small walls. It blocked the winds scattered with snow flakes. It was warm enough. Though, of course, I still miss my family. Imagine being constantly around dozens of family and then suddenly to lose them. No longer constant talking, laughter, warmth and companionship. At least I know they will return to me, and I know there are people out there who have lost their loved ones permanently. I am selfish to feel so lost and alone.

I am now reaching a milestone though. I have become skilled enough to choose a profession. After much thought and long consideration, I am choosing... to become a rogue. It is the only thing that suits me. My silent ways will well suit this life, right? I have everything prepared. It is just a matter of going forth with a guide to obtain the final commitment.
Sengo posted @ 16:48 - Link - comments
Monday, 30 January 2006
I reached my fifteenth birthday recently. Or at least, the birthday I gave myself. I never did know what my truth date of birth way, as my family was gone far before my memory begins. I know my rough age though, and thus I picked the age my true family says they found me. We celebrated it this year by feasting on some of the food we had gathered for the winter. I made certain not too much of the store was eaten, and I bought replacements for some of it. What I could spare.

Then, they said their farewells. Always, they leave me in winter. I have no need for it, so I continue for a lonely season.

And it will by lonely this winter, still. I have made a few friends, here in Dundee and Milltown, but I still seem to lack as many as most people have. I cannot help it. My shy ways overcome me, and I often speak to no one at all, unless they address me first. I also do not often see the friends that I have managed to make.

Hopefully, winter will pass quickly.
Sengo posted @ 07:18 - Link - comments
Tuesday, 08 February 2005
Goodness. I have not written at all lately. I found my journal today, stuffed into the bottom of my pack with only the one page still written upon. I really ought to write here more often. I mean, it is a really good way to get my thoughts out, a way to have company.

So. Umm. I hunted a little today, but it has been very hard. I find myself very distracted lately. My mind wanders and I stare at something as simple as a tree for what seems to be hours, and then I fall into fits of such.. thinking. Just thinking to myself. I have also grown a tiny bit taller. There is a tree in the forest that I had begun making marks in with my dagger to keep track of my height, and I am now about an inch and a half taller than when I started. I wonder if this growing is what makes my mind wander of late.

Of others news, there are two new deities risen. Now there is Ben, Cory, Selene, Darren, and Shinma. I do not know what Darren and Shinma do, in regards to.. well, anything. I know Ben creates. Cory is the guard over life and death. Selene.. as far as I know, creates alongside Ben. I have not heard enough of these new gods to know anything of them or their duties.

I hope Cory always watches over me. I get so scared when I die. I keep thinking that someday, the return to life might simply... stop. I could get struck down by a monster and pass from this world and never re-enter the cycle. What would happen? Would I drift in a blankness? Would there be something afterwards? I have not a clue, and it concerns me. It concerns me too much probably, as I do not believe I do or ever will do something to fall out of favor with Cory. I am silly.
Sengo posted @ 05:00 - Link - comments
Saturday, 15 January 2005
Hello journal. My name is Sengo. It has been a long time since I have used my last name, and I do not wish to acknowledge it, even here.

I fought many wolves and bears today. The bears are the most frightening. I am roughly the size of a wolf, so that is not nearly as intimidating... but the bears tower before me, and I? With only a dagger to battle them? I must look silly to many of these other adventurers, a little ten year old boy battling a humongous bear. I have been teased as it is, being a boy with grey hair. That is strange alone.

Anyway, I spent time with the squirrels today. I always make them stay at home when I go hunting now. It is too dangerous to allow them to accompany me. It noticeably makes them sad. They swarm me when I return and cling to me. It is amusing, but I feel bad at the same time.

Enough for the moment. I am really tired tonight. Good night, journal.
Sengo posted @ 22:36 - Link - comments