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Two thin slats of wood hold a collection of paper of various sizes. The writing itself bears scrawls, writeouts and scratchthroughs. Careful looking will reveal most of the poor spelling diction and grammer being marked through and more typical writing being left.
057498 Have sneaked a peek
last days
February 2007
Thursday, 08 February 2007
Lots has been going on. Cordelia was the heir everyone was looking for and then she got lost or something and now she's found and I have to remember that even though she said to call her Cordelia now it should be Your Majesty. Eagle told me that when I asked her.

Everyone seems happier now. But why did the Holy Big Uns and the Knights yell at each other before? Why would a secret be kept from those who talk to the Gods and all? I don't think that's something I can understand. Maybe Lion or Eagle could explain it but I don't think I want to ask them. They might use really busy words and not say something but sound like they did. I don't want that to happen.

Will talked to Fleur and I needed to find something for her. I asked Lion but he wasn't sure. I thought of bursters because they're nice to have around. He said a grazer cloak wasn't nice enough. I like mine. But when I went to get bursters I found something better. I hope she likes it. Will's happy and that's good.

Darias is thinking of becoming a rogue and I gave her the name of some good people for sponsors. She's going to research them and everything. I think she's collecting names from lots of people.

Lion and Daisy are happy and that's good. I'm glad. Daisy was training when I spoke to her last. Wolf is an Iron Knight now and Tus got his weapon. So did Alanna. I guess that portal runs around all of Valorn waiting for people to catch it. I wonder if it ever gets tired.

I wish he was around so I could talk about all the thoughts I've been having about things. But he isn't so I'll just hold onto them until he comes back. Talking with him makes things make more sense.

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