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Two thin slats of wood hold a collection of paper of various sizes. The writing itself bears scrawls, writeouts and scratchthroughs. Careful looking will reveal most of the poor spelling diction and grammer being marked through and more typical writing being left.
057479 Have sneaked a peek
last days
October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
I don't understand. He said he promised her and that means he won't do it anymore. He promised that to me two times. Why is one more? He came to talk but it was time to do my job. Do words to one person mean less and two isn't as big as it should be?

Before that Jaltz and I talked. He liked my mask. He has a pretty things too. The seamstress told him I talked about him. I wonder what else she said. Maybe I shouldn't have talked to her so much. He says words get stuck. I wondered if someone uses glue on them but he told me what that really meant.

I spoke with another too. Her mask looks very soft. She says her apprentice and Blue Jay helped her make it. She did a good job with it. I asked her to say hello to Egret and Nightingale.
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