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Nonsensical Perceptions
Nonsensical Perceptions
'Broken in'. Wear and tear along the edges and corners of a leather covering, with tell-tale fingerprints decorating all about. Faint grey and brown smudges adding delicate colors to what used to be a brilliant shade of white --Pristine appearance now marred.
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Important things should never be left unsaid. Then again, every person has a different view on what they consider 'important'. Joining a guild, getting sponsored and/or gaining their desired profession, finding that special someone to spend the rest of their life with, and so on and so forth. Of course, all those have happened to me AND i do find them very important, indeed. But I will touch on those ...eventually. ( My beloved would never forgive me if I didn't mention him now, so...Odin Rothgar --Your time will come. I will dedicate a whole entry to you and scribble your name countless times upon that page. That is, just not this one. )

I'm backdating. This had happened on my first few days when starting out as an ..'adventurer' in Valorn. I vaguely remember coming back from the plains, fighting the tough battle with those ( at the time ) ferocious plains cats and prairie dogs as I tried to get back into Dundee. My birthplace, I think. I had been too young to remember the day of my birth, much less..where I had been at when coming into this world. But I do remember growing up here. Spending my free time daydreaming about what my future held in store for me and wondering if I would ever get to do special and amazing things that the adults around me were doing. With their shiny armor and weapons. Purses filled with coins. A smile of satisfaction at what they had accomplished, despite the fact that their battle-hardened bodies were exhausted from ..many wondrous and countless -- And I'm getting off track. Ahem.
-- The first person to help me along in my travels, or rather, my first friend was Banifus. I am sorry to report that we rarely talk anymore, but that doesn't mean I would forget what he had done. He'd given me many helpful hints and gifts, even when I never asked for help. I think he knew that I would never ask him or anyone else for help at that time. After giving me potions, coins, and an upgraded set of armor, he steered me underground. Another nasty place filled with horrid, wretched smells. ( And I've just realised, that there are many many places in this world that do not smell good at all. ) Steered me underneath Dundee and brought me face to face with my first zombie. Ech. I won't lie, I was frightened the first time. The second time. The third time. Their decaying skin and the rotted corpse smell eminating from every orifice of their bodies. Sickening sounds of muscle, tissue, and Gods' know what ..hitting the ground with a thud, as they slowly lumbered towards me. Quite nice, no? And every time my sword slice through their deadened flesh, I'm sure that I flinched every time. Probably closed my eyes, which would explain why I hadn't the best accuracy on hitting them. Not that the darkness and moan n 'groans from the other passageways helped me out at all. I'm quite a baby when it comes to scary looking places that are filled with equally scary-looking creatures. --And now I've rambled again.

Banifus. Thank you so much for your help. For I am sure that I wouldn't be where I am today, if I hadn't had it. Probably just another skeleton to add to the ghastly environment of those dreaded underground passages. Or even worse, ..a zombie.

Going to have nightmares tonight,
S e r a p h i n e
Seraphine posted @ 10:41 - Link - comments
Monday, 16 October 2006

Apologetic Introduction

I have been known to be slow at times. Especially when it comes down to me rushing to aid my friends. So,.. it was to be expected that I would start up one of these at a late time. Days, weeks, months-- after many important events ( for myself ) have already happened. Nevertheless, I feel the need to share them, regardless of how much time has passed. Thus, I will be back-dating for the next several entries. My apologies..

And another sincere apology as well! I have yet to introduce myself. Seraphine. Remember the name well, for there should never be another one like it. And...and even if there was, surely the person bearing such a wonderful name could not equal up to me.

Tsk. Tsk.

You think I am egocentric? Please, let me elaborate on what I meant upon that narcissistic sounding comment above. I hadn't meant on the terms of beauty, knowledge, wealth, or power. I was simply stating that I am unique and somewhat quirky compared to others. Though, no one will see that right off, when meeting me in person. So continue to read on. That is, when I find time to scribble inside this little book.

By the way, I find The Wall a wonderful place to seclude myself and manifest my thoughts upon paper. Just ...the smell is rather distracting. Perhaps, I should bring some incense and/or nose plugs the next visit.

Hating the smell down here,

S e r a p h i n e
Seraphine posted @ 23:24 - Link - comments (1)
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