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After a Dream of Falling
After a Dream of Falling
Age: 26
Location: Darkling Haunts
Zodiac Sign: Enchanter
Blog Description
The sooty gray leather of this book is bound with scrolling silverwork that forms a knotted sigil upon the cover. The pages smell faintly of grass and lemons, and possess the cool radiance of moonlight. The writing within is scarcely legible and mostly scribbles, and occasionally a word completely drops off the pages.
What I like...
Words that turn within the wind and echo in your brain, the song of stone and water, and the cool beginnings of the night.
What I hate...
Pointless strife, organized religions, rude people, and seafood.
last days
June 2007
Remnants of Kimald
Favorite Weapon
I love my pale Enchanter's staff, full of hoarded lightning and solid menace. I enjoy they way it shatters skeletons and bruises fleshy foes. Above all, I love the sound it make whilst breaking through the armor of a Crystal Guardian. Still, I remember my broadsword and sometimes long for something so keenly crushing to fit within my grip again.
Favorite Enemy
It's all been done.


Sunday, 17 June 2007
Dragged myself through daylight, questing for a bucket of water. I passed a muddy rut in the road, speckled with wasps and dragonflies, and dimly noted that their colors were no richer than the smooth, brown earth. My throat seized at the sound of a river, and I glanced into the churning waters, wagering my chance at surviving a dip. Traveling north, I fled the sun by ducking into the cool shadows of the meditation circle east of Milltown. I dug my fingers into the cool sands for a moment, and if what I took from that place did not quench my thirst, it did remind me that Dundee has a spring.

Stumbling back into the dry heat, I bolted south. It took me forever to find the spring, and when I did, I simply sat there for a moment. I held my fingers against the cool water, and caught my breath. I finally splashed some water on my face and drank my fill. The problem with really cold water, though, is that you never suck down as much as you need. I felt obliged to stop at the Dundee Inn and buy an ale. With it, I forced myself to eat a burger, though it made me queasy to contemplate. It went down well enough, the first bite being compellingly tasty.

When the first cool tendrils of night air spilled through the window, tickling my neck, I nearly swooned with relief. Weary and restless, I didn't know what to do next, whether to roam beloved places, or simply to sleep again. Whilst still trapped in my own indecision, a friendly adventurer moseyed into the inn, followed shortly by an initiate who proudly announced the completion of his profession's quest. He was to be an Enchanter. It kindled my interest, and I lingered for a while longer.

From the conversation that ensued, especially after Shannara joined us, I realized just how important 'lineage' is in these lands. I don't know if it's a recent thing, or simply a matter of taste. I didn't actively seek a sponsor myself, but Glorina recommended Shadow Ryder Anu, and I quite liked his thorough manner of explaining things. It helped that he had been around long enough to accumulate a good store of knowledge, but I don't recall having any curiosity about his lineage until after I'd become an Enchanter myself. At that point, I was entertaining myself with the notion of family, trying to decide whether such a concept was worth a second try. I only got so far as discovering the next link back in my mystical kin, El Gato. I cannot help but refer to him as 'grandfather', though I refrain from doing so in his presence. You can only be so irreverent, before someone strangles you.

Impressive lineage. My pony had impressive lineage, though I made all of it up at whim. Inkasi, brighter than any platinum coin, swifter than a desert fox, and sure-footed as any old mule, descended from forest ponies, shy striped and dappled mares, and their fierce pale stallion. Or perhaps she spilled from a cloud and tumbled down a mountain side one moonlit night, staining herself with an icy, silver glow. Or maybe, she was a prancing carnival pony, fresh peeled from the paint of a carousel. That one's what my Uncle Halah always claimed anyway. He said he saw her there, trapped and dizzy with her endless circles, and stole her free with a magic trick.

Remembering Inkasi, I went to where the music plays eternal, and danced in the grasses. I turned frantic, careless circles and sprang about with no regard for my ankles or the treacherous dew, but no ill befell me. Nothing beyond a sudden flush, and total exhaustion as my earlier weariness returned. I withdrew to Ryndall, there to rest near books by clever men. I wanted to dream of my pony. I wanted to dream of my Uncle. For once, I wanted memories, and nothing deeper than the past.
Synvasti Shymere posted @ 01:35 - Link - comments