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Musings while I wait
Musings while I wait
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Age: Unknown
Location: Elsewhere
Zodiac Sign: Libra
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My, that's a sharp looking spear you have there...
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February 2006

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Tuesday, 28 February 2006
Day something, Entry Final?

My trip seems to have come to an end. Last night I had sent my second dispatch to the Regant, Topaz had just sent hers and we both went to sleep for the night. I woke up about an hour or so later, to discover that Topaz and I were back on the Valornian side of the doorway. Neither of us seemed to be harmed, but the message seems pretty clear. They aren't interested in negotiations right now. However by not killing us it may indicate that they don't have an interest in fighting us either. Who knows. Despite this defeat, or maybe just a setback, I am unsure how I shall proceed. I may just sit back and wait for Ethucan to apprach us first. Time will tell.

I have also heard about the fate of Maji. Yeah. That's all I will publically say on the matter.
Aaronar posted @ 17:51 - Link - comments

Monday, 27 February 2006
Day 5, Entry 4

I have been able to convince the guards to allow me to at least send a simple missive to Regant Kratos Gaelus Amphion, though I no not how long it will take for a response, if any comes at all. Topaz has been almost still as a statue, not wanting to give any indication that she is proking a lethal beating. Odd how I feel that she feels more theatened in this situation than I do, being that I'm an Enchanter and she's of the more tolerated Warrior profession. Might have something to do with the fact that I came here prepared to end my life if need be.

I'm just glad the guard on the right, while still would prefer to slaughter us where we stand and dance on our corpses, is a little less zealos with inflicting as much harm as humanly possible to our persons. The situation looks like they will continue to keep us at weapon point, awaiting word from an official on what to do with us. I'm hoping that the word will be something other than immediate execution. Especially since we'd just return to the Life Monuments by Cory's will. They've killed me once, I'm not sure how many times they'd have to kill me to realize that it would be better to at least let me speak.
Aaronar posted @ 01:35 - Link - comments (3)

Sunday, 26 February 2006
Day 5, Entry 3

Not 6 marcs after I arrived in Ethucan, a second arrival has made their way from Valorn. This one is Topaz. She seems to have left her weapons and armor behind as well, which for a Warrior is probably a harder task than an Enchanter like myelf. I believe that my success at activating the doorway, which caused the crier to announce such across the land, has emboldened her to come as well. Whether or not hers is to aid me, or to intend her own plea for peace I have yet to ascertain. However I have warned her of the spear on the left, sharper than the others and that guard has a worrying look on his face...
Aaronar posted @ 23:41 - Link - comments

Day 5, Entry 2

Due to the generosity of another, I now have a Doorway Gemstone. At the appropriate time when the doorway was active, I used the gemstone to power my trip into Ethucan. And as I exited the doorway instantly I was met by 9 of the Royal Ethucan Guards. Without hesitation they took up their arms and made their way to attack me, however as I showed that I have no hostile intentions I have been able to avoid engaging them in combat. For how long this impass with these guards will continue I cannot say, for it is as if time has stood still. I hope that by leaving all arms and armor behind in Valorn it will be enough to at least let me make my request to speak.
Aaronar posted @ 22:48 - Link - comments (1)

Day 5, Entry 1

I have started to take better notice of the Crier's announcemnts of sightings and attacks across Valorn. Even though most of them are conducted by demons and bandits that are way beneath me, it still feels like a siren's call, beckoning me to abandon my post. Fortunately I am made of stronger stuff, and have yet to succumb to this temptation. And fortunately for me I have something to keep me occupied besides the nauseating smell of the swamp. Thanks to the effort of Praad Ablu,I have been able to acquire all of the currently known journal entries of Annia Socrata from the first Ethucan delegation to Valorn. From my readings, he seems to be a very level headed individual. I believe that's probably because he is a scholar, Second Professor of History at some place called Oxonia. Must be some center for advanced learning, probably the largest or only such center in Ethucan. But without more information it's hard to say.
Aaronar posted @ 21:09 - Link - comments

Day 4, Entry 1

Passage through the doorway has still eluded me. Hardy any visitors have come to the doorway today. I began to wonder about this being the only entry point into the other land. With so many in Valorn that are interested in ending this war, why so few ever stop by this place. Could there be another way across that is being kept from me? Doubtful. More likely the people of this land have decided that unless something major happens to change the current state of things, their attentions are better being focused elsewhere. I can't argue with that logic. I myself could be scouring the hiding places of the blue guardians in an attempt to acquire my final blue spell, or aiding the effort to eradicate the N'rolav desert tomb of the wretch infestation. But no. I am to remain here until I am able to cross over.

I did have a few visitors today, but their visits were very short. I was even confided in by one who is very prominent in Valornian society that they wish to go to Ethucan and make them our allies. However the route that I have chosen is one that they couldn't follow. I inferred from our conversation that it required more effort with less potential for success than was acceptable. But it was a brief conversation so I might have missed the actual reason. Regardless, I can understand trying this with a great deal of enthusiasm after having the words of the divine spoken to me. What I must wonder, is if I have the staying power to follow through with my planned course. However I do believe that I will finish what I start here, for I feel that I could do nothing else.
Aaronar posted @ 00:25 - Link - comments

Saturday, 25 February 2006
Day 3, Entry 1

Today passed rather uneventfully for me. Had an interesting conversation with a young woman by the name of Jeza Vernice. Like me as well as so many others, we are not originally from Valorn. Also, we both arrived here in one way or another as the result of a war. So far I have gotten no indication that it would be safe for me to travel through the doorway yet. I would say that I must not give up hope, but it sounds like a rather silly if not overused thing to say. For now I remain confident that eventually I will succeed in my task. It will take a miracle, but those aren't as rare as one might think.
Aaronar posted @ 09:38 - Link - comments

Friday, 24 February 2006
Day 2, Entry 1:

All of today has been spent at the doorway, where I will stay until I can get across. However, disturbing news has reached my ears regarding my intent. Appearantly some have taken my proposed trip to mean that I plan on doing something horribly nasty. It never fails to surprise me how those who wish to remain closed minded won't even bother seeking the truth, but will pass judgement without ever having seen the situation, or speaking to those involved. Yet these ugly rumors continue to spread.

I started this journal so that others may know what I am doing, and why. In reading over yesterday's entry, I can see that I did not make that very clear, so I shall elaborate. The arguement over my responsibility for all of this covers the spectrum from absolute to none at all, and many inbetween. And while my contention is and always has been that the Ethucans provoked and started the war, that has only a small bearing on how this shall be ended.

From the Ethucans perspective, having their entire society almost destroyed by a single class of people was very traumatic, and has left the populace very untrusting of Enchanters. We have all heard the reports of the Enchanter Uprising, and their actions are deplorable. While I do have a theory as to what happened, it is irrelevant to the current situation. And even though I haven't learned the full details of what happened I gather that since they inherently distrust the entire profession that every Ethucan Enchanter was involved. When the Empress's guards made their threats and attacked me, I can't be sure if they just lumped me in with Ethucan's Enchanters based on my choice of profession or were looking into my own soul. Whichever it was, they have declared all of Valorn's Enchanters to be the same as Ethucan's.

We all know that isn't true. Here's the problem. We know the truth of the matter and the Ethucans don't. Yet in their fear and hatred they have cemented in their minds what the 'truth' is and won't listen to anything else. Given time, yes, I'm certain that cooler heads will prevail. Diplomatic talks will eventually bridge the gap. That is, assuming that Valorn and/or Ethucan survive long enough to reach that age. The threat of Balthazar is ever looming, and I suspect that he has already extended his shadow over Ethucan as well, even before contact was reestablished with the emergence of the Continental Doorway.

Terragor and myself were the two Enchanters present when the Ethucan declaration of war was made. Between the two of us, she was the on who was trying to be diplomatic, and killed by the Ethucans first. Yet because of my 'insolence' I have been the one primarily labeled as the cause. It is true that unlike Terragor I did nothing to deescalate the situation. However, that also makes me more than anyone else the symbol of Valorn's Enchanters in the Ethucans eyes. This has put me in a unique position, one that I had never even realized until Ben spoke to me. Any from Valorn could speak unil Mylor was blue in the face or Islander's sword arm fell off, yet it would do little to no good. At least not in a time constrained manner. Actions speak louder than words. My actions before were not what was best for continued diplomatic relations no matter how justified they may have been. And now I know what actions are needed to resolve this.

No, I have no desire to fight any Ethucans. No, I have no hostile intentions in going over there. I have even disarmed myself and left my weapons behind. I do however bring with me a Scepter of the Morning Light, a gift if they will accept it. If I am able to get there, I will be placing whether or not I return entirely in their hands. I only hope that they realize what my actions mean this time.
Aaronar posted @ 01:54 - Link - comments

Day 1, Entry 1:

Patience. That's what it will take. Maybe more than I have, but I won't know unless I try.

Why am I doing this? Most don't understand what happened in the first place, or choose to believe what they want regardless of truth. And yet I am still going to make my attempt. I do this not only for myself as some sort of vindication and pennance, but for all of Valorn and Ethucan. After speaking with Mylor I have decided to write this down. Not only in case I fail, but also in case I succeed.

This all started yesterday, when kneeling before the statue of Ben at the Golden Age Forge, my prayers were acknowledged by Ben himself. He imparted his words of wisdom unto me, and left saying that I should stop talking to a statue before people think I'm insane. And just for the record, Mylor has declared that I am not insane.

So, my course is clear. With inspiration from the divine, I have set out to end this conflict with our distant neighbors. Today has been spent getting prepared to leave, which didn't take long at all, then going to the doorway itself. At this time I have been unsuccessful in acquiring either a gemstone or divine transportation. But I have only just begun, which brings me back to my opening statement of patience. I hope that my prayers are answered and I am able to get through to Ethucan and end this.
Aaronar posted @ 01:08 - Link - comments (2)