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Korrith's Diary
Korrith's Diary
A sleek black book, most often found laying around Dundee Inn, bears the name Korrith Oniban and seems to have been recently repaired. Teeth marks can still be seen on some parts, as well as smudges of ink and grubby fingerprints of those who could not resist the temptation of flicking through the pages.
Scribbles from Wednesday, 01 August 2007
So much for my relaxing. Meara gave me some sandals and Azure tracked me down and gave me some temporary Splintmail. Guess I've gotta get back on to training...

I bumped into Starling yesterday, after a brief chat with Skylsganin (Who I have now exchanged apologies with). Starling has always been... An interesting character. I think I'm one of very few people who can actually understand most of what she says. She asked about my proposed trip to Ethucan and I told her the story. Starling has always been a good friend to Daisy and she was certainly concerned (Especially after I made a joke at the expense of Genisis Devotrox, suggesting I leave him in Verthedge) but I think I managed to assure her I will take good care of her. And even if I didn't, Azure certainly would.

Fleur and Raffe were in Cerbies, yesterday. It's. Odd. They always seem to be at each others throats, though I know for sure they have a... strong relationship, as it were. As I often am, I am concerned for Fleur somewhat. She's important to me. But, she is a strong woman and she can handle herself, I'm sure. Raffe has been a good friend since I joined the guild, but he can be a little. I dunno. Full of himself, is the term I guess.

Ok then. Time to suit up, grab my hammer, and go and send rascally pirates back to their graves. I'll write again soon.
Korrith wrote this at 08:39. Add any notes here: - Link - comments
034915 people love Korrith, and his shiny bald head