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A Soul's Emergence
A Soul's Emergence

A humble, homemade journal lies before you, the covers are made of sanded, treated, wooden boards that have a shiny and fragrant veneer from special oils soaked through it and the boards are bound together by a carefully bound string of twine. The pages within are yellowed and naturaly looking and smell of fresh blossoms, especially roses, with a hint of a woody smell from the trees. Inside the front cover, the initials S.F. are carved and inked.

Tuesday, 24 October 2006
*the script here is still flowery, thin and innocent, but with a bolder more confident stroke, a fragrant unusual flower has been placed between the pages, its fragrance magically enduring*

Time has passed so strangely.

Where to begin on the past year that I have been away and found my bond to Maul to be no more? As Chryseis says, the beginning is usually a good place to start.

The lands grew dark upon the Fyre home. Our uncle fled, finding a better life elsewhere, though he left a note saying we were welcome to join him. Chryseis could not leave, her stubbornness would not let her. Fealty to her guild was stronger than the darkness.

She secured herself for a temporary leave-taking. I knew not what, still in study amongst my clerical books, awaiting more word from Maul. He returned so seldom then, his homeland was still in so much danger, I couldn't think of anything but his welfare. I grew weak again, but Chryseis and Galen brightened my day with beautiful flowers each. They've always given me flowers, so beautiful and stunning in their small yet grand desire to live.

Soon, Galen started visiting more frequently, telling me tales of some new fanciful lady he's found who tickled his interest. But none held his interest long. They began asking me if I missed the lands of our childhood. In earnest I said I miss them dearly.

After much bustle about the Guild Hall, Chryseis and Galen approached me, both packed for a long journey with a larger pack for myself. Chryseis was sending Galen and I away, to live with our uncle until a time when, she could either find us somewhere safer or bring us back to Valorn. Chryseis had temporarily given leadership to Zarock to accomodate her journey with me.

She has always been fierce and protective in her love, she also mentioned that I would be studying with the best Clerics available. The land where our uncle had followed his path, was a reputable Academic region. She said it was time I studied properly.

We left and as our journey grew to an end, I felt my full strength returning, aided by the holy powers closer to this new land. The divine was strong here and I marvelled at the beauty of the buildings. Each one shining and near crystalline in nature. I ran my hand along the archway to the Clerical Academy, it's smoothness felt so good under my naked hand. It hummed with divine power. Soon I realized these buildings were not created with callused hands, but by loving attention and purity of prayer.

My studies were vigorous and I grew to know my uncle better. He was a kind-hearted soul but rough with age and fierce as Chryseis. After Chryseis left to return to Valorn, I grew under his tutelage and the guidance of my new mentors. I never was in my sister's shadow exactly, but her protection made me safe, before she left she sat with me, holding one another as sister's do. She told me, "I may not always be around to protect you, sweet Syllver. You must grow into the woman I know you can be." I nodded, tears in my eyes as she spoke, I knew she would be leaving before I woke the next morning.

She turned and took my face in her hands, their warmth always gave me comfort and she stared in my eyes, "Learn. Grow. But NEVER lose yourself to it Syllver. Your soul is too kind and gentle to be consumed by the darkness that can take people's souls. You are better than that. Much better."

I simply hugged her and cried the tears that were unshed for so long. In that moment, I grieved over my husband Maul, thought dead now for not having heard from him. I had hoped in my heart he sped to Cory's plane quickly if he went at all.

I studied and learned, and I found myself aware of things I never would have taken notice of before. But, I made a point to sit upon the highest hill in these lands and sing to the creatures found here, marvelling at the wondrous beauty of the lands. Gentle and giving, yet solid with health and growth.

As I return to Valorn, following my brother's return, I am unsure if I wish to remain or go back. Galen always made his own amusement and would prosper in any land, but I found myself in that hidden, magical land. I vow to visit often at the very least.

Upon my return I inquired about Maul. He had finally returned, but much changed. He severed himself of my guild, my home, without my knowledge. I followed the stories of his return to a building in Dundee and peeked around a corner to see how my husband had changed. He was haggard once more, a grim outlook on his face that was not there before and his face was lined with worry and stress. His bonding ring was no more and the gift I'd given him was also absent.

I approached quietly and we spoke for a time. Yes, he was much changed and the girlish heart who found him endearing could not longer understand the new darkness that followed him home. He gave no explanations for the absence of ring and necklace, and I asked none. I needed none. As I walked home, I turned to him once more to see if a flicker of the man I bonded remained, he did not even turn he simply sat looking out in the distance. I took off my ring and hung it on a nearby branch next to the building. I said a prayer in thanks to Maul's spirit, the tree, and myself.

I find myself wiser since my time with the High Clerics. I still marvel at the little things I once found so beautiful, the flowers, the passing butterflies when they land, and above all I have found beauty in the love I have for others, for my family, my friends, and the land from which I live.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 10:44 - Link - comments

Sunday, 26 February 2006
*the writing has regained its old flowery style*

The strength has regained in my limbs. Slowly, I made progress. Maul came to visit often, his love and support seemed to fill my spirit as I healed.

Maul was so loving and caring, walking me through the guild hall to stretch and strength my legs.

Then slowly ventured out alone as I became restless. My guild mates aided me when they could.

*sketches of beautiful landscapes from her mind's eye*

Flora, I cherish my siblings both, so very much. I pray daily for their safety and for the gods to shelter them as they may.

*a small doodle of a blossoming flower ends the current entry*
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 13:40 - Link - comments

Tuesday, 07 February 2006
*the writing is slow and deliberate as if trying to bring focus to her words*

Chryseis... says I am... well to write....

I wanted a token... something.... to give me remembered... strength... and faith. I sent Chryseis to get it.... but the bankers would not speak with her.... so... I gave them something... of mine....

It felt warm to the touch.... as I clasped it in my hands once more...... gave me strength..... when I had none......... it warms my heart..... even now.....

Memories... swirling.... Maul's face.... he came to visit I think. I must be strong......... for him........

*the words have trailed off after the letters have become more jagged*
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 10:49 - Link - comments

Saturday, 28 January 2006
*the words here are scribbled very weakly*


home... Slept so long....

A promise........... old friend........................

Chryseis? Galen?

*the journal now lies on a bedside stand witness to her weak condition*
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 00:46 - Link - comments (1)

Saturday, 07 January 2006
Flora.... I am so glad to have you by my side..... it is so terribly lonesome now... it grows harder each day...

Chryseis' journey is so hard and I feel she is gaining strength in it... she has finally taken a step at cleansing her soul and it is wonderful to see the transformation in her.

I linger behind to aid as I can.... but it does grow weary without my beloved by my side. Friends tell me Maul's cousin has been visiting more so now than he. I miss my husband terribly. I hope he is well... he is so strong-willed at times he gets hurt but fights on in true warrior-style.

I am also saddened at myself. I have been known to slumber as my husband does come into the lands. I hope... when he returns permanently, he can forgive me...

I love you dearly Maul... may the words on these pages make it to your heart.

Sealed with a kiss, all my love for you.

Goodnight now Flora, until, we can speak again. *doodles a cute smiling face here with a heart*
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 12:44 - Link - comments

Friday, 16 December 2005
Flora...... *runs her hands over the cover, opening it carefully and touches the blank page, then begins to write*

Flora, today was such a joyous occasion! My long lost brother Galen has bonded! To Alicia Silverstar. I haven't known either for too long. My brother Galen left while I was still quite young and even then did not get many encounters with him, because he and Chryseis were always training together. I mostly kept to my mentors' cottage in those days long ago. I only journeyed out to train enough in skill to learn how to heal others better.

But, talk of the past is not what today is for. I was able to perform the ceremony for my brother and my new sister. I hope they liked it. I did my best but fear I may have stuttered on one part. I really hope it was ok!

I even sent a letter to my beloved. He has made me so happy. He has returned twice since my last entry Flora. Twice visited, always treasured, but I do miss him more and more each day. I hope he can return soon. Perhaps, he may stay when his homeland does not need him anymore.

*doodles of arrows are strewn about and something that looks like a glowing crystal*

I did find my last orange blessing, but I need two more red blessings. I hope I find them. I do wish to have Ben's Greater Fury. The newer ones in our lands could use it well.

Flora, I am sorry to go. I should have had more to write but my time grows short. Chryseis calls on me often to aid young ones now. Or even to help the guild. I am blessed to be able to be of service, but it does make me so tired. Chryseis worries about me so, but I worry for her the more. I will do what she asks, to relieve her burden, because I know..... something is not well with her.

She seems alright, but as sister, I know better. Her eyes are not the same. I wonder, what she thinks. She always was a better thinker than me.

Oh no! It is late. Flora, farewell, my dear friend. I shall return again one day soon. I hope. *a small fragrant flower is pressed in the middle of this page*
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 00:17 - Link - comments

Friday, 14 October 2005
Flora... dearest friend. Some things have happened and I hope I have time to write them.

I am now bonded! It is a glorious feeling!! *doodles of offhanded hearts are here*

But with my joy comes some sadness... my beloved husband is called away home with his cousins. Some sort of emergency... He warned me he may leave suddenly for some time...

I hope he returns soon, safe and with his home village at peace.

I love you my beloved, I await your return. *the page here is sealed with a kiss*

Farewell for now Flora. I'll write soon.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 17:27 - Link - comments

Saturday, 01 October 2005
*a beautifully drawn infinity symbol is seen o the top of this page, lined with a sketch of beautiful flowers and other idle doodles are strewn about the words of the entry*

Flora! I am SO excited and nervous!! We have set a date finally! *this line is followed by a doodle of a heart*

°•.(¯`·.·¤ Maul Earthhammer ¤·.·´¯).•°

He will be my husband.... *words fall off the page as if the writer were daydreaming*

Caer Laleldan Castle Courtyard, by the bench, east past the way to the balcony and then south. It is beautiful.

The only other place special to us is on Kilican. But the castle... on that bench, is when he helped me get my voice back. It was the spark, the beginning of our life together. Never did I imagine that his simple kindness to me could bloom into my love for him.

Maul Earthhammer... I would have been lost without you.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 02:02 - Link - comments

Saturday, 24 September 2005
Flora I have gotten to the 24th level! I am so excited!! Kira helped me get my first red crystal blessing!!

I am training hard to be able to use it. I was telling Skif Talon and Lucy, that we should all try to keep up with each other on level. I was above them... but Skif advanced this morning. Now I need to get there!! I am at 70%. SO close!

I went hunting with Lucy yesterday in Branishor - it wasn't bad. My sister had said this might be a tough level, but I am finding it fairly easy. Though... I am hoping to see more RCGs soon.

It was interesting Flora... Lucy took me to the Fire Caverns, since she is a rogue we can go below the grate. I was felled once for not paying attention. But I think I shall continue training there for a time - or head back to Branishor when the ferry comes.

I miss Maul. He has not been awake of late. After this level I should take some time to be with him by his side. He told me he would be sleeping a bit, so I'll wait to hear word from him when he awakens.

*there is a doodle of a symbol on this page - one a perfect circle, within this another figure that oddly looks like the symbol for infinity*

Farewell for now Flora. I'll write again soon.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 17:27 - Link - comments

Tuesday, 20 September 2005
Flora, I was SO nervous!! I performed my first bonding today! Arkadie and Tyros Drakil. I cannot believe it! I am so happy for them! I hope I am asked to do another soon... perhaps.

I was pacing the courtyard, shaking like a leaf! Maul reassured me I would be perfectly fine. After a bit more nervousness I decided to take a short nap before the ceremony and woke up to a crowd of people awaiting to hear my ceremony. Even a few high level adventurers, the nervousness took me again. Maul whispered his confidence and support to me and I relaxed, taking my place before the couple and trying to forget all the others watching as I performed their bonding.

Everyone seemed happy with my ceremony. I just hope... it was good enough.

I felt especially nervous because I didn't know if it would happen today or not. The new beast under Dundee Inn makes me awfully nervous. I shudder even now, as goosebumps climb up my arms.

I received a message from my sister and ran to the frontlines offering my Clerical assistance. I was felled 3 times and could not join in the battle - we regrouped in 6 Marcs and I tried again with my ring. I left to rest as it was quite tiring on me at this point. My sister helped to take care of me and left to aid the others.

I hope the beast is taken care of soon. I cannot think about sleeping in Dundee Inn at all with it there.

Flora, I do have good news - we have chosen our bonding location! Everything seems so much closer and my heart... it finally wants this to happen very much so. I... I had promised myself not to bond to him until my heart wanted it more than life itself. And... he brings me closer to that everyday. Feeling safe and warm - what more could I ask?

Goodnight Flora, I must rest,.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 02:44 - Link - comments

Saturday, 17 September 2005
Flora, I came to a frightening realization today. I cannot believe anyone made me feel this way.

When we fled... Chryseis protected me, she took care of me, it was a dreadful existence. I use to pray, every mealtime to be able to have food to eat, to see a dry warm bed, and to be able to not spend the days running from our homeland. I use to think, maybe, we were wrong to live - if only we stayed we could fight and live - if only we did this or that.

In the end, none of this would have helped, as was evidenced when we went back to salvage what was left. I prayed to the gods every morning and every night that this was a dream and I would be home - truly with my family and my mentor.

But, today. Today was glorious spending time with my betrothed, with Maul in the Hearth of our Guild Hall. I realized... if we never fled, if we didn't go into exile, I never would have met him? At that moment, looking into his eyes - the ones that shone back to me of their caring and strength, I knew. I knew as if it were written on his face.

I was GLAD to have left my homeland in order to meet this man.

*doodles of question marks surround misshapen hearts*

After such a horrid existence... this seemed frightening to want to live it again if it meant meeting him. Maul, the one destiny has laid before me, in her intricate weavings, we came together at the moment we needed to know of each other the most.

Flora - I love him so much and he offers me his strength and patience, I could not ask for a better partner in life.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 02:32 - Link - comments

Friday, 16 September 2005
Flora! Wonderful news! But, let me start from the beginning.

I awoke by his side early, and tiptoed softly out to train a bit before he woke up. I forgot to leave a note and soon he sent word he would like to speak with me. My stomach was in knots! What was it he wished to speak of it? I forgot to leave the note, I hope he isn't mad? I dashed off after a few errands. I was so nervous!

I walked in and he looked strange. The expression was different though he was happy to see me. As I drew closer, he went to one knee and showed me... a diamond ring!!

What? Why? How? Is this what I think? But, he had said, even as friends, he would never bond to anyone - ever. I accepted this part of him, as I could only love him, for the whole of him. Whether he ever bonded or not, did not matter, it never did, we understood this. But, here he was, before the fireplace at our Guild Hall, asking me to be his bondmate!

Flora, you can only imagine!! I stuttered, I was dumbfounded, I nearly blurted just the big question "Why?!?" But in the end, once I finished catching flies, there he was, the man who brought my voice back, the man who taught me again how to watch the changing of the sun and moon, the man who I had grown to love despite my best efforts.

Flora, can you believe it? I said Yes! We are not rushed, we wish to take our time with this. I would have him by my side, bond or not, ring or not, he is that wonderful my dearest confidant.

*doodles of two rings joined together and her beloved's name and hers intertwined in the drawing*

I promised I'd whisper his name.... A warrior with a gentle heart, with the strength of soul to uplift me in my dark times, to make me feel like I am the only woman in all the world....

Maul Earthhammer.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 01:51 - Link - comments (1)

Thursday, 15 September 2005
Flora!! So much today! Excitement, joy, happiness, life, and love. I got another blessing! This was Cory's Light! I have thought of whether, as a Cleric, I should perform bondings? It seems so few choose to do so? If I do, I must be sure to not be involved. I do not wish to know I bonded a couple who separated. Maybe, I should ask my sister? Her wisdom guides me in so much.

But, this is not everything, Flora. He and I left the boat today, his leg was feeling a bit better, so we retired in our Guild Hall.

*idle half thought doodles of hearts and birds litter this area of the page*

Wait, Flora, I forgot the best part. I did give him a token. It took me a while to find the perfect pieces for it. But I spent a bit of time on the beach while he slept. I found some seashells. Many were cracked, broken, eroded, or tarnished, but I found them. 3 beautiful coral and light pink ones - one was larger than the other two. I used some string and knotted them onto it.

I thought it was so crude Flora!! Oh how nervous and shaky!! I couldn't believe how nervous I finally was. But, I opened it carefully to show him, and he loved it. His words brought me to tears. I was so happy he accepted it so well.

I must vow to make something more fitting for him one day. Perhaps, a true warrior's gift? Flora, I wish you could speak to me as I to you. But it isn't important, what is important is that you hold my secrets and my thoughts.

Oh no! He stirs. I must speak with you again another day Flora. I do not want to disturb him. He needs the rest to mend his leg.

Flora, farewell for now, my friend.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 03:27 - Link - comments

Wednesday, 14 September 2005
Flora, despite his past, he is warm and gentle. My heart is so light.

Ildara has completely moved on, she has bonded another. I do not know how I feel about this. I am happy she has moved on and is happy, but it feels sudden. I worry for her as a friend, but I cannot say I felt any of the old pangs except a curiosity why I was not told sooner?

His eyes sparkle best by starlight. He had given me a jewel. I think I'll sneak it away into my cloak's pockets until I can fashion a proper setting for it. If I can? Binding it in string seems so crude for such a beautiful gift.

On the edge of the world we watch the stars again tonight. They are dazzling in this place. The water illuminates them in the waves.

*doodles some wistful, swirling hearts*

*below the hearts is a lock and key - the key has been named Flora*
Flora, keep his name safe. I'll whisper it to you.

Flora, what comes next? I feel so lost now in this place of emotions. It is different and new. I feel reborn in some ways.

*a few dates are scribbled on the page*
Time. Flora, may your pages last for all time.

I must go now Flora, perhaps I shall give him a token of myself.

Goodnight Flora.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 00:13 - Link - comments

Tuesday, 13 September 2005
Could this be possible?

I sit on a shipwrecked boat I never knew existed. This place is appalling and enchanting at the same time. You feel like you're on the edge of the world, lava flowing into the water behind you, the ocean on the other side.

Flora, it is a gentleman... a bit worn from a warrior's life, but he was a friend in the darkness. He aided me in finding my voice, once lost to me, now found.

What does this all mean? He has promised nothing, but to be here for me. He did not promise to never hurt me.

He loves watching the sunrise, the sunset, and the stars with me. I do so enjoy watching the beauty of the lands. My breath was taken away when I first glimpsed the Holy Order of Light and I have continually been surprised at the majesty this world has despite the darkness threatening to close in.

I am just a simple Cleric nothing more. It is who I am, it is what I am, and all I wish to become. But to him, I am so much more.

Flora, your pages console me so much. Thank you again for listening. I'll write again soon.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 01:39 - Link - comments

Wednesday, 07 September 2005
Flora, my friend, I've missed your presence.

I know why my sister loves Kilican, though I don't think I'd be as bold as she to spend so much time with Bobo. He disturbs me, so I lurk in the storage room atop the stairs. Actually, I find alot of comfort at Zhasta's feet, she is wise and reminds me of my sister with her enchanter's ways and supplies. Even the cavern smells of it.

An interesting gift from a stranger... a friend of my sisters, though stranger to me. He gave me an Amulet of Strength. Something to wear as a symbol, to remind me of my inner strength and aid me on my way back to happiness. This has been the most cherished gesture anyone has done for me. I wear it always and it does bring me strength, but most of all it brings me warmth to know I'll be Ok.

I had lost my voice for many days... two Valornian weeks... people were curious but never asked... they looked but never sought to change me. I was alright, but depressed. Far too gone to think of speaking - only following those in need, aiding them with my new blessings, and finding people who needed healing.

Only few were able to make me think of speaking...

I finally did today. Through the grace of friendship and laughter... my voice emerged once more. Still raspy and unsure at times, but it is strong.

To add more to my achievement I gained a level and it seems... Ildara and I are at peace with each other. Able to speak for now as friends... and we are almost mended.

The future... is still unknown.

Thank you Flora, I'll be with you again soon.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 23:23 - Link - comments

Sunday, 04 September 2005
*the page here is spotted with tears and ink is smudged with dirt and tiny twigs*

We have grown so far and very apart. She had become defensive with me of late. I trained hard to be with her... to stand beside her... it was for nothing. When I awoke, I trained to be by her side, and she could not be by mine as I trained... I knew not what to do? I could not follow her... though... another could. I love her with my soul and she could not tell me what transpired.

She came to Kilican to talk. She even brought me a cider. She said the words neither of us would want to hear. "Is it over then?" My heart stopped. I could feel it, it skipped a beat. I only remember fainting. Fainting, falling, so fast it hurt. I fell back to that dark place before I came to this land.

I was scared and frightened again, my only will to live was now to train and heal.

Was this a dream? I do not know... I thought I had awoken to her bonding ring. She left the ring by my side - what does this mean? She gave me her ring?

From this moment on, I became a mute. Nothing will stir my voice as it has closed and become choked from heartache.

Even now I suffer from fainting spells.... Ildara bid me to come again to the forest where we first fell in love. It was too much. Too much. I had to run - run far from there - and I did until I collapsed in the canopy.

I awoke in Ildara's arms and Lucy watching over me. The memories! They came rushing back. I jumped and huddled again into a ball.

Lucy even now is brushing my hair... it is soothing... as mother use to. Journal... I must name you... "Flora". Flora, you are my greatest trust now... please keep me safe. I shall come visit again soon Flora.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 23:00 - Link - comments (2)

The days were long as I slept on a makeshift bed of cloaks and hides, waiting to speak with Ural. I had trained very hard to earn his respect but he would not advance me until he felt I had let the previous information sink in.

The sun would rise and as its heat beat upon me, I would awaken to whisper with Ural again. Twice was I denied and I fell to sleep, awaiting more time. On the third conversation Ural announced my success and advanced me to a point where I was able to declare my profession!

The choice was easy, it had beat in my breast before my journey to Valorn. I sent the quickest messenger to my beloved Ildara to run with me to the Temple and claim my profession. At the 17th Marc we arrived - among a flurry of messengers who were handing me notes of congratulations from friends across the lands. I was warmed and excited by the sudden lauds.

The Temple doors opened for me, as I walked through I was amazed at the structure. I was so nervous in this auspicious place, I had begun shaking like a leaf and certainly sounded like one as I kept shaking the apprenticeship form in my hands. I handed the paper over to Ildara and couldn't stop shaking. When she signed it, giving her own profession's mark onto the paper, she handed it back to me, and I chanted the words, pausing only slightly through a dry mouth.

And then............. it happened! I was changed. My face was drawn into the sky and I looked upon it, completely at peace with myself for the first time, I felt whole. The transformation seemed to have changed my outlook on life, it was a turning point in my time here in Valorn, and Ildara couldn't have looked lovelier than at that moment. I ran to hug her and was SO happy to have finally attained my Clerichood.

I quickly dashed away from the desert to catch the ferry to Branishor. Ildara met me there and explained the mysteries of the Cleric's ring. It is a wonderous tool of the Cleric and I just cannot imagine being without it. After a short discussion of the ring versus my bonding ring, I decided to wear mine as my beloved, on a chain around my neck and keep the Cleric's ring on for most of my days.

We rode the ferry back together in the depths of night and I held onto her like I never have. With my beloved by my side, those stars and the moon seemed to shine brighter, and all the creatures of night were heralding my rise to Cleric, and my heart sang of my soul - healed and found whole, complete, and satiated.

This was ever my calling, my truest calling, having attained it, seeing the world through new eyes, I can see the light of the Gods in everyone - the life force of every mortal as the Gods have willed it. Their hearts beat as one and I am able to touch that for just moments to restore their health, that light of life which is in all of us.

My beloved kissed me farewell as I longed to run towards Dundee to help the needy and found a few new adventurers who were grateful for my kindness. But I am humbled before the power of the Gods, doing their will as they have granted it to me. I can do no more or less than what they allow me and I serve only through their grace.

My heart, is filled with Ildara and my love for her, my mind, is filled with the knowledge I have attained and grows steadily each time I advance, and my body, is filled with the light and love of the Gods to serve as a Cleric should.

My soul is complete.
Syllver Fyre si è sfogato qui alle 22:25 - Link - comments

I must begin my memoirs while I am able to still remember the events I want to keep with me for all time.

I sit amongst the feathers and hay in Milltown, but I felt compelled to write of my story - that which cannot be told by any other.

I awoke where my sister left me in a protected space, eventually venturing out at her request to search my new homeland. I felt naked and new, nothing was familiar. My sister helped clothe me and armor me before she left on her own new life. I am strong she says, I am kind, and I am of age to go on my own, though she promised to help me by sending someone to guide me.

My skin itched, it felt awful as if I were reborn from the exile my sister brought us to. My inner soul wrenched at having to leave our home, my father, taken from me so callously. In our exiled land, there were men.... many of them who raided our homes, pillaged the village, and still in my impressionable youth - the twisted, angry faces of such ruthless men will never leave my eyes. I fell asleep amidst the soot of my burning village, the fire illuminating the men's faces with the holes in their teeth evident and shining as demons, and worst of all, my father slain while I slept, though no one knew I had one eye open and saw the whole thing. I have not told my sister I saw the events and I cannot breathe it to her for fear of my heart breaking once again. My happiness and my future shattered in that time and all that was left was my innate desire to serve.

Even before our exile, I was apprenticed to a great Healer of our homeland and lived to serve and learned the trade easily as was in my nature to do so. This did not change with the move to Valorn, but I had become a bit more withdrawn and shy.... my youth and innocence shone through still despite everything, but I could not bring myself to be like my sister. She is strong and able to fight well, where I have felt I could not.

Shortly after hearing of my troubles she tried to find a mentor for me, someone who could guide me in the way of Clerics here in Valorn. and sponsor me when the time came. I suppose I felt I needed the protection and met Ildara Bright-eyes shortly after. At first glance I saw a beautiful warrior, strong and powerful, a bit fiercesome from battle but behind her eyes was something different - certainly trustworthy, but warmth and caring showed through quite naturally.

Even though she was sent as per my sister's request I was still a bit frightened and shy around her... She was the sweetest person I'd ever met in Valorn and could not help noticing it day by day. The desire she showed to help others and care for them, endeared her to my heart as a good friend and a welcome fellow Cleric.

We were having the grandest adventures together!! I will always be indebted to her for helping me through my early levels when I still felt unworthy to gain in power and strength here. I remember becoming quite attached to the place in Dundee where the fountain sits, the scenery was too lovely for words and I longed to see more of this land's beauty.

Ildara offered to take me to the Holy Order of Light and I eagerly made the journey, desiring to visit where I may soon stand as a Cleric amongst others. The grounds of the HOL put me in awe.... I was more than joyful and ecstatic, I felt at peace, my soul was renewed and lightened in that one visit. I could not imagine the peace in that place and sat a long time to meditate and pray.

My next journey with Ildara was to travel to Branishor and visit the largest and grandest Temple in all of Valorn. Again, I nearly lost my breath at its magnitude and overpowering beauty. Just the very feel of the presence of our Gods made me humble and at peace with this place. I prayed again and hardened my resolve once more to become a Cleric soon that I may reach for the ring and claim it in the name of the Gods to serve them and aid the needy.

With each passing day I grew to long for the familiarity of her.... to be with her and have her show me the ways of this new world. She became my light, amongst the darkness I once thought this land to be, she guided my way in everything and has become a symbolism for my hope in this new land.

One day when I became of strength to do so, we journeyed to the Amazonian Clans of Valorn's forest. Again, I was struck by the beauty and heartbeat of the trees, the word sung by the stream here, and the enveloping senses of the place, with its fragrant flowers, warm spices, and soft grass. I was inspired and remembered a craft my mother once taught me long ago. While Ildara watched I began picking and choosing specific flowers, vines, and some spices. I worked these into a bracelet, one that captured the essence of that moment, the smells, the beauty, and gave it to Ildara as my own special gift to her. In this moment, my heart was quite stolen away, though I could not admit it.

How could she do this to me? She was beautiful, strong, and talented, while I was new to this land, weak, and somewhat plain. How could I possibly love her as my heart is telling me it does? I shied again from my own emotions this time and only let her see my friendship and kindness.

As we spent more time together, I couldn't help but miss her terribly, only to feel whole when she was near. My heart ached with the longing for her.... how could it long so badly? My sister.... what would she say? I did not care..... Ildara gave light where there was darkness, she offered friendship when there was none, she gave me the love I had sorely missed, I would not relinquish this.... In those moments and those thoughts she became my world.

Ildara became my beloved, for now and for always. The light of my life, I loved how she held me.... until I fell asleep and nothing else mattered. All else became nothing as I strove to make her happy and proud to have me by her side. I feared disappointing her more than I feared for my life.

Ildara, forever with the flowers in your hair, because I shall anoint you with them everytime I can. Ildara, the heart that protected and guided me when I could not do so for myself. Ildara, the beloved who gave her soul to be bonded to mine for all time. My very heart is imprinted and bound to that name..... Ildara.
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