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hazed visions
hazed visions
An old tattered book bound and covered with carved leather, pages riped and torn hanging from it, with pressed flowers and blood speckled decorations.
Sunday, 06 March 2005
Another long day in the desert, another long day of contemplations.
In my time here I've seen the raise and fall of many things, the comings and goings of many peoples, and the rants and rage of Balthazar. I was there to watch the fall of a great city, and also there as one of the first to visit the Kings castle when it arose. There's a lot to contemplate about the past, in the hope of better understanding where we are all going.
Though one thing that has caught me up today is the constant questions about my sword, so here is the story of that ...
It was so long ago now that sadly I can not remember the name of the adventurer who showed me the way down into the depths of the sewers. I remember feeling lost and cold as I followed him threw the sewers, I'd never seen him before, but for some strange reason i'd made the quick decision to trust him. Well, to trust him enough to run around in the sewers with him. I don't remember any problems from Acid Jelly's or Sewer Rat's, all I remember is trying to hold my torch steady as I moved along the slipper and dingy tunnels. He told me to round the corner and slaughter whatever I saw. I took a deep breath, I remember this clearly because I was unsure of what kind of trap this could be. I don't even remember what it was I faced, the injuries I took, or how long I was there. But when it was all over I was holding a Glowing Mercenary Sword.
hazeie posted @ 07:11 - Link - comments
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