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The Jagged Tooth
The Jagged Tooth
Jagged-edged parchment lays compressed between two pieces of shark hide, bound together by a cord of the same grey hide.
.: About Me :.
Age: 29
Location: The Fireside Kitchen
Profession: Rogue
.: Likes :.
Cooking, Carving, Cleanliness.
.: Dislikes :.
.: Sponsored :.
Cenny Konxovar - Rogue
Threnody Nyx - Rogue
Achelle Olytro - Cleric
Emilia Rose - Rogue

.: Quote :.
"yer not BAD Nih. ya just have ah different perspective on thengs, en not all folks respect er understand thet." - The Accomplished One.
.: Latest Posts :.
last days
March 2015

.: Current :.

Training Location:
Random places as my body allows it.

.: Victims :.


Friday, 06 March 2015
Five to add to the Six.

One leading the other four. He was not the last to die, but his death will be appreciated by more than just myself. A ripping bite to his throat. I can still feel the blood spewing from the gaping wound, pouring over my face.
Two and Three dead with a quick cut to their throat.
Four, same as the first.
Five, a loss of hand to start. Thoroughly drunk when his end came. A bite to the neck, too.

The information I needed was gathered. That is justification enough.
Nih Betodaru posted @ 18:37 - Link - comments