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The Jagged Tooth
The Jagged Tooth
Jagged-edged parchment lays compressed between two pieces of shark hide, bound together by a cord of the same grey hide.
.: About Me :.
Age: 29
Location: The Fireside Kitchen
Profession: Rogue
.: Likes :.
Cooking, Carving, Cleanliness.
.: Dislikes :.
.: Sponsored :.
Cenny Konxovar - Rogue
Threnody Nyx - Rogue
Achelle Olytro - Cleric
Emilia Rose - Rogue

.: Quote :.
"yer not BAD Nih. ya just have ah different perspective on thengs, en not all folks respect er understand thet." - The Accomplished One.
.: Latest Posts :.
last days
March 2015

.: Current :.

Training Location:
Random places as my body allows it.

.: Victims :.


Tuesday, 03 March 2015
What shall be done?

What shall be done when those holding to the most prestigious of positions an adventurer can obtain acts like a child? Nothing. You can reprimand a child for acting as one.

What shall be done when the veil of transparency is lifted and the actual truth comes out? Nothing. You should never have trusted they were honest to begin with.

What shall be done when turn after turn patience is stretched and pulled and broken? Nothing. Take what you want by force, or cunning linguistics.

What shall be done when leads turn cold and searches fail? Nothing? No. No, now you dig deeper. Pull every resource. Spend every coin.

What shall be done?

Nih Betodaru posted @ 17:31 - Link - comments