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Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
A slightly worn, brown leather journal holding some of the thoughts and ideas of the Marked one.
Sunday, 10 July 2005
Socially, little is new. Of course that is not a bad thing.
For other happenings, quite much has occurred. A new location has been discovered and with much work, I have reached my 55th level of training earlier today. For the first time in many marcs, I deposited my JKD Honor Shield into the bank. In its place is now a shield from the Golden Age...I will treasure this item along with the gauntlets I have received.
The cleansing of the Obelisk of Power is going to occur soon. It will be a busy day but I look forward it. It is highly possible that Balthazar shall do anything he can to stop us. We shall stand strong in our goal, and with the gods there, Balthazar will not win.
JKD posted @ 14:56 - Link - comments
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