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Life of a warrior
Life of a warrior
A simple gold cloth covered book,with bamboo joints,bound with purple string to help keep the reed pages together
.: About Me :.
Age: unimportant
Location: England
Zodiac Sign: capricorn
.: Likes :.
that would be telling:)
.: Dislikes :.
umm do not think i should say:)
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.: Quote :.
'life is what you make it' forget who said it tho:(
.: Latest Posts :.
last days
March 2008

.: Currently :.

all sorts

Last Movie:
i robot

Listening to:
all kinds

.: Visits :.


Tuesday, 04 March 2008
Been very busy this week- what with my new office & that stupid rubbish bin game. iam just about sick of that you know? I plan to shove it to the department of trade- or some place out of my office! any way the chances of writting any odes, seem far away at the present.. maybe some other time my dear nose aches..
Sol Dreamweaver posted @ 12:27 - Link - comments