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Life of a warrior
Life of a warrior
A simple gold cloth covered book,with bamboo joints,bound with purple string to help keep the reed pages together
.: About Me :.
Age: unimportant
Location: England
Zodiac Sign: capricorn
.: Likes :.
that would be telling:)
.: Dislikes :.
umm do not think i should say:)
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.: Quote :.
'life is what you make it' forget who said it tho:(
.: Latest Posts :.
last days
September 2007

.: Currently :.

all sorts

Last Movie:
i robot

Listening to:
all kinds

.: Visits :.


Friday, 28 September 2007
You realise i won a OON comp & cannot even recall when it was?? I miss those days .. it was fun when we had comps like that.. wish someone would organise one again.. Mind you, i know it is an awful lot of work to do.. but if anyone out there want to try, i not mind helping out if i can
Sol Dreamweaver posted @ 09:51 - Link - comments