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The Book of Change
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Changed @ 17:40 - Link - comments
It's always a pleasure to see a friend set their feet on the path they've chosen to follow:it's always a privilege to watch as the transformation takes place, and an honour to be asked to be the one to facilitate that transformation. These thoughts and feelings came to me in the temple as the true rogue form of Broutac Brunt, hidden for a while, was revealed by the magical energies of that place.
Broutac asked if I would be the one to accompany him to the temple, and I was delighted to agree. We chose a day and time to meet, but alas the fates were against us, and a sandstorm made travel through the desert almost impossible. When we were both eventually able to reach the temple the doors were sealed against us, and we revised our plans. A couple of days later the travelling was easier, and we entered the temple, learning something of its mystery in the process.
Broutac is, of course, well aware of what is involved in taking a profession. As I said to him, I could have just signed the papers but preferred to conduct matters as I usually do. The event was, I hope, as memorable and meaningful for him as they are for me.
I hope the chosen path is smooth and as safe as it can be in these besieged lands for Broutac. An old and trusted friend - a sworn bladebrother - Broutac again follows the way of the rogue. That is what all who know him expected and hoped, and I wish him well.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Changed @ 17:55 - Link - comments
I made my way back to the guildhall after a lengthy period of time farming. The rooms were quiet, all the kin sleeping fast as I roamed the buildings for a while. The hall is light and airy, but my thoughts were darker than those benighted passages of the N'Rolav tombs where for so long I've wandered and fought and slept.
My spirits were raised by messages from an old friend. We arranged to meet, but sometimes it's almost impossible to navigate the endless dunes of the desert. By the time I reached the agreed meeting-place, I'd missed seeing him as he had to rest.
I settled down to sleep amongst the dunes, reflecting wryly on the fact that some days are fated to work against you in any way they can, and sometimes you just can't win, can't make any progress in plans you've made.
The desert is a better place to sleep than those dark, wretch-infested passages on the N'Rolav side. My dreams were easier, though tinged with melancholy as faces from the past paraded through them. Many made the farewells we'd been denied, others made promises that some day we shall meet again.
Hope and regret, light and dark, elation and sorrow - they all battle within me constantly, leaving me feeling as if I balance on the tip of a blade. And I wonder how long I can hold that balance.

And also I wonder - which way will I fall?