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The Storm and the Maiden
Monday, 28 September 2009
Within the Storm @ 11:59 - Link - comments (2)

Each day I feel that I am more and more out of touch with the people I love and the lands I protect and call my home. I have been feeling lonely and spending most of my waking hours training in the tombs, surrounded in the dark therein. When I roam the lands it is always under the cover of dusk or twilight - and I mainly move through unseen. Part of me prefers it; part of me misses the way I once was. Outgoing and doing anything I can to help. Oh, I still do that of course, and I always will, but there are many within the lands willing to do the same so one clerics touch will not be missed.

I have this feeling that I am lost and fading, and it frightens me - try as I might to fight down those feelings. I feel like a drone, someone drifting through life on automatic – as if I can not control any of this. These very thoughts cause me to pull out my own hair. Gods, please give me the strength I need.

Pallas has a charming new hat, and the Fall Festival has been announced. For these things I am thankful, as they’ve puts a smile on my face.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Within the Storm @ 10:13 - Link - comments

Twilight soothes thy eyes
Sky filled with softness;
A perfect moonlit eve.