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The Book of Change
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Changed @ 02:03 - Link - comments (2)
Must find Ellyana ... must ...

I managed to collect my gear without disturbing Denion. I scrawled a note of thanks to the smith, and started heading back to the lands. I can hardly walk, or think, but I'm driven now by something stronger than the fever that still has me in its clutch.

Must get home ... must ...

I think this is the right path. I've lost track of time ... aching all over. I think I've fallen a few times - maybe I scrambled straight back to my feet, maybe I was unconscious for a time. I have no idea what's happened on this journey, all I know or hear are a few thoughts echoing through my mind over and over and over

Get to the princess ... must ...

Trees ... all around - the forest - still? Must be wandering. If those bandits are in the area I'm done for but my lady is waiting ... have to reach her ... find my way back to her ... must
Changed @ 01:38 - Link - comments
So hot - so very, very hot. I reach for my blades, thinking I must be back in the desert somehow. Then I realised I was in a bed at Denion's smithy. Some sort of fever has a hold on me. I've been shivering and sleeping, waking and sweating for who knows how long now - I've lost track of time entirely.
It's bad enough when I'm awake. A raging thirst, no strength, the burning need to return to Ellyana, but a complete inability to actually do anything. But when I sleep, that is worse. I'm having vivid dreams, hallucinations, call them what you will.
In one, I saw myself on the beach, one of our favourite spots. I looked up at the night sky, and saw that one by one, the stars were going out. I woke, trying desperately to understand what had been in my mind to cause such a vision but unable to do so. And eventually, I slipped into a troubled sleep once more.
In this dream, I was in our high place. I looked out on the lands and saw - nothing. Flat, featureless, no trees, no creatures, no people. I heard Ellyana's beloved voice call to me, and I looked up as she passed above me on one of her cannon rides. As she flew through the sky, she turned into a brilliant point of light, receding, shrinking, as her voice faded. And as Ellyana, now a shooting star, flickered and flashed through the sky, I awoke and realised what had troubled me. As I have lain here, unable to walk, to send my messenger birds even, is everything and everyone fading from me? Will I lose it all, as before?
Changed @ 01:02 - Link - comments
My blades being in urgent need of repair, I've had to take a short trip from the lands to visit Denion. As well as being one of the finest craftsmen I have ever met, he has been a good friend to me. I travelled alone this time, as Ellyana did not feel well enough to come with me. She's promised to rest, and intends to spend the time while I am gone curled up on the couch beside a roaring fire in the Rogue's den.
I left the lands and travelled northwest, passing through the forest in which Ellyana and I went astray on our last trip. I'm not sure how well I managed to hide the fact, as we passed beneath those towering trees, that I knew the path.
I made my way to Denion's smithy, as I have so often in the past. He frowned as he examined my duelmasters and the other assorted blades I carry with me, and demanded to know what I'd been doing.
'Training hard, my friend,' I told him. 'Doing my best to clear the N'rolav desert.'
Denion merely grunted as he turned his attention to my weapons. I sat in the smithy, and we chatted and shared ale as he worked.
I never fail to be surprised by Denion's work. He can produce armour and blades of the highest quality, make a plough - I've seen him lift a cart single-handed to get a wheel off. With his broad chest and shoulders, massively muscled arms and work-worn hands he looks every inch the country blacksmith he claims to be. And yet that same man has infinite patience to work the most minute detail into even a tiny piece of metalwork. He showed me, after repairing my weapons, the latest piece he had produced at my request. It's quite delightful, a fine gift for my lady.

I ran into a problem on my return to the lands. I was resting for a while in the forest, sitting with my back to the trunk of one of those mighty trees. I'd taken out the gift for Ellyana that Denion had made, studying it as I sat for a while and drank some water. I heard footstops off to each side, and then they were on me - a pack of bandits that clearly were in the habit of waylaying travellers.
Some few of you may know that part of my story concerning bandit raids, and what I have lost to them in the past. And I was determined that these scavengers would take nothing from me now. I managed to fight them off and they bolted through the trees, well except for two or three who will never rise again. I would have given chase, but had taken a couple of wounds. It was quicker to return to Denion than to make my way to the lands, so I made my way back to his smithy. I'd used salves to staunch the worst of the bleeding, but was about all in by the time I reached him.
Without a word, Denion dressed my wounds, applying an ointment that stopped what bleeding there still was. Then he gave me some water, and led me to a place I could rest. I wanted to leave immediately, to find my way home, but Denion pointed out I was not fit to travel. He'd given me something to drink, to ease the pain of my wounds, and it made me sleepy. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard the sounds of Denion at his trade.
Two days I stayed there, fretting to be off, as I had lost too much time in returning to Ellyana and was worried about her. Denion had once more repaired my blades and my armour. He gave me food, water and salves. As I left I pulled out a purse of coins, but Denion waved it aside. 'You came here for agreed work, and a commission I'd accepted, Pallas. But when you returned injured, that was for friendship.'
A thought came to me. Friendship. Friendship, and love, two blessings I have found in life. These two are perhaps the things that most differentiate the inahabitants of the land from the creatures of darkness that assail us. And perhape they are the two things that will give us strength to carry on the struggle.
I was thinking about this as I set off, feeling rather light-headed. Then, as the saying goes, the floor hit me.

Later, though how much later I do not know, Denion told me I had managed six steps before I passed out.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Changed @ 17:22 - Link - comments
Once again, it's time for me to visit one of the trainers. These last few days, I've spent most of my time training, and now I can reap the benefit of all that work. I've been resting for a time in what shelter the ruins in the N'rolav desert can offer, that being the place where I finally made the final kill needed.
As I slept, my dreams were filled with an apparently unending procession of zombies, and spiders, and scorpions, though I suspect even all those I saw do not match the numbers of the foul creatures I have slain in the last few days.
The recent training, apart from giving me the opportunity to level so quickly, has also fulfilled another need I found in myself. With things happening in my life over which I had no control, I needed something to occupy my time and my mind. Though, come to think of it, I'm not sure if hunting down creatures to fight has occupied my mind or just closed it down to a more basic level where survival is the only thought. Whichever, the training has served its purpose.
I must remember the lesson for future reference - when in doubt, go kill something!
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Changed @ 16:44 - Link - comments
There's something I haven't written about that's been going on over the last few days:it's been too painful to mention, but now that the situation is resolved I can put my thoughts in order over the matter.
Ellyana has been unwell these last few days. I have done all I can to help her regain her health, and so have her friends - with one notable exception. This individual chose this time, when my love has not been in a condition to put up her usual spirited defence, to launch a campaign against her. Anonymous letters, unwanted gifts and messages, unsigned notes - all sent at a time when Elyana felt at a low ebb. I suspected from the start what he wished to achieve, though I knew his sordid little scheme would not succeed. But it hurt deeply to see the effect his actions had on Ellyana. The words also that he spoke to her, while seeming friendly - overfriendly in fact - were also bringing her down.
I have to wonder if, for some unknown reason, this was his intention?
What he did not realise in his arrogance was that Ellyana and I knew who was doing these things, though he denied it for a time.
And now, suddenly, his words have changed. He's admitted everything to Ellyana, asked for forgiveness, even asked if they can be friends as before. And she, as I knew she would, has promised to try and make it so.
And what of my part in this? Bound by promises to my love to do and say nothing, I have done precisely that, for her sake. I have not even spoken to him, nor because I did not wish to do so, or was afraid to do so, but because that was the promise I had made to my love.
And speaking of promises, I asked Ellyana not to ask me to promise to try and make some peace with this person, or to join her in building a friendship with him - for, as I explained to her, I would never make a promise I would be unable to keep.
Should anyone read this, there will be one thing they may notice. I have not named this ma -
No, it would be wrong to refer to this individual as a man. To do so would be a stain on all the true, honourable men of these lands. A man stands straight and true in the light of day to speak his words. A man does not cower and crawl in the darkness, hoping to hide behind anonymity. A man is true to his friends, aiding them in times of need. A man does not wait until someone is at a low ebb before throwing aside the disguise of friendship in a relentless pursuit of what he wants, totally uncaring of the wishes and feelings of that other person.
Anyway, this person says it is over. Ellyana believes that to be the case. I have given her my word that I will try to not speak of the matter and be civil should my path cross his. It may be that I will discover within myself some understanding, even some forgiveness, for this person. But that will be for the future, for right now the pain is still there, the pain of seeing what he did to my princess.
And for now? For now, my eyes and ears are open. I shall be watching, and listening. Time will tell if the words this person now speaks are the truth. Perhaps he will prove to be a true friend to Ellyana, as I understand he was in the past. Perhaps the memories of these events will fade away. And perhaps, just perhaps, he will prove me wrong, and prove to be a companion, a friend .. a man.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Changed @ 06:06 - Link - comments
'There's a storm coming.' The words of a country blacksmith as he sniffed the air, or was there another darker, prophetic meaning in what he said?
As Ellyana and I sat with Denion and spoke of our home and the lands where he plied his trade, I knew this was no simple workman. He seemed to already know the history of our lands, and had picked up on signs that this tranquil area far to the northwest might soon be facing the same troubles that beset us. I'd taken an opportunity to take a quick glance inside his smithy. Amongst the ploughs and tools he made for the farmers in the area, I noticed that he seemed also to have spent some time making weapons. And not just simple blades for countryfolk - dotted around his workshop were swords that any warrior would be proud to wield, blades of the highest quality seemingly awaiting a time when they would be put to serious use ...
Denion made no mention of these as we spoke, giving the appearance of being nothing but a rural blacksmith, though one or two things he said revealed that the man was something other than the image of himself he built. But to notice the small slips, you would need to be one of the few people who know more of Denion - people such as myself.
As we spoke and drank our ale, Ellyana drifted into a light sleep for a short while, tired from our journey. Denion looked across, to make sure she was asleep. 'Well then, Pallas. Was that last commission satisfactory?'
'Your usual fine work, my friend,' I passed him a bag of coins 'here's the promised payment.'
'I trust she will find them acceptable.' the smith replied. Then Ellyana stirred and woke, and the conversation returned to previous matters.
We left shortly after that, with one thing he said still echoing in my mind.
'There's a storm coming'

Friday, 14 September 2007
Changed @ 18:30 - Link - comments
A couple of evenings ago it was my pleasure to sponsor Kias into the ranks of the rogues. Ellyana and I got back to the lands from our trip to find him ready to take his profession and eagerly awaiting our return.
We set out for the temple, but one of those sudden fierce sandstorms blew up, and all too soon Ellyana, Kias and myself had each lost contact with the others as the path to the temple was blotted out. Knowing that we had missed the time to enter the temple, I trudged through clouds of sand back to Milltown. Ellyana had found her way back to the guildhall. When the storm subsided somewhat, Kias' messenger bird found me in Milltown centre. Kias had found his way to the temple and decided to stay there and await the next time when we could enter, and had resolved to amuse himself by teasing the scorpions.
Ellyana and I passed some time at the guildhall then made our way to the temple. We were joined there by Bir, who had come along with the intention of allowing Kias the opportunity to open his first treasure box.
The four of us entered the temple. Before signing Kias' apprenticeship form, there were a few things I wanted to say to him, though I hope it didn't sound as if I'd slipped into lecturing mode!
After the transformation, I had some gifts for Kias to mark the occasion and gave him some picks and a left-hand dagger, which I explained were the tools of his trade, and the privelige of his profession.
Bir droped his TB on the ground in the temple, and that is where Kias picked his first lock. And what a promising start to his career! As the box fell open, an elaborate jewelled necklace lay on the floor, glinting in the stray beams of light that illuminate the temple. Ellyana gave Kias some potions and some plat, and he was all set to follow his path.
We returned to Dundee and went to Cerbie's to celebrate the event, where we were joined by Lucy, who also had gifts for the new rogue.
Some of the CSB arrived a short while later, intending to celebrate the induction of a new member into their guild, and the evening turned, for the most part, into quite a merry event.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Changed @ 18:35 - Link - comments
We went on a short trip, Ellyana and I. We'd been chatting and resting a few evenings ago - I think it was just after the mad dash I made through a full level in the N'rolav desert in just a couple of days - relaxing, drinking wine and generally chilling out. We ended up talking about her tattoos, and suddenly came to my mind a picture of a design. It was so perfect, embodying so much of my love, that I asked her where she had hers done. I told her I'd like to know so I could get one on my forearm. I'm not too sure which of us was the most surprised at the thought of me getting a tattoo!
Ellyana told me that in her wanderings before she came to these lands she'd passed through a town somewhere to the northwest, though the name of the town escaped her. And there was a place there called Lestat's Tats, run by the man Lestat, very skilled at his art. I suggested we go and find him, for though we did not know the name of the town, I had a direction to travel and I had a name - sufficient for any rogue to find who he's looking for! Ellyana said she vaguely remembered some of the road to the nameless town, and we resolved to take a break from the lands for a short while and seek out Lestat.
We stocked up on the provisions we'd need - including plenty of ale. Ellyana assured me that having a tattoo should include large quantities of ale - though whether this is to stimulate inspiration for the design or to dull the discomfort of the procedure I'm not sure.
It was a beautiful morning as we set off on our search for Lestat. The paths we followed were, to begin, quite clearly defined and headed fairly straight in the direction we were heading.
Our path took us through a vast forest. Here the paths were less well obvious, more ciruitous as they meandered between towering trees. Ellyana pointed out the path she was almost sure was the correct one, and we followed it for quite some time, surrounded by birdsong. We were discussing possible designs as we walked, and clearly we were so engrossed in the conversation that somewhere we missed a branch path. Ellyana was beginning to look puzzled, clearly trying to recall her way. Evevtually she stopped at the junction of two pathways and looked around carefully. After a while she said, 'I know where we are - I recognise that tree.'
I looked where she was pointing, and yes, there was a magnificent tree, much taller and broader than those that grew round about. And then an awful thought crossed my mind, and I took a closer look at where we stood. 'I recognise it too, Ellyana. We passed it about an hour ago.' The expression on Ellyana's face as she realised her famous sense of direction had led her astray once more, the thought of an hour's walk through the trees in a complete circle, were too much for me. I just dissolved into laughter. Ellyana glared for a second, then she too began laughing. I wonder what a passing traveller might have thought, as he saw in the middle of a great forest a couple standing wrapped in each others arms, both laughing too much to speak.
'You must have got yourself turned around', I eventually managed to say to Ellyana. 'Let's try this other path'.
We came out of the forest not long after that, moving onto wide grasslands dotted with farms. We went from farm to farm, asking people if they knew of a man called Lestat, or could give us any information about towns to the northwest. Some of those we approached could not help; some would not help. Some would not even open their doors to speak to us. It seems that even here, the evil that has fallen on our lands may be starting to cast its shadow.At last one man, a burly, laughing blacksmith called to us as we passed his smithy.
'Friends, I've been watching you for a while now. You clearly seek someone. And they,' he gestured toward the houses we had passed, 'are too scared to speak, yes?' He waved us to sit
with him outside his smithy. 'Things have reached a bad pass when people will not even speak.' He extended his hand. 'I am Denion, smith to all these fine people.' I couldn't help but note the slight sneer in his voice as he spoke. 'Come, sit awhile, and tell me of other lands.'
I pulled a flask of ale from my pack, and we three sat and passed the ale around and spoke of our lands and his lands. He looked concerned as he heard the news of our home. 'I fear this place could become the same one day. He looked up and sniffed the air. 'There's a storm coming. You should be on your way.Who do you seek?'
Denion's eyes lit up when I mentioned who we were looking for. 'Lestat - yes I know him well. Here - see these?' Denion pulled off his apron and shirt to reveal the tattoos that entirely covered his chest and back. Mythical creatures, flowers, pictures of women, all manner of pictures covered him. 'He does good work, yes? Let me tell you the way.'
Following Denion's directions, we found our way to Lestat's Tats.
Ellyana and I sat with the man and explained the work we wished done, and we agreed the price. I recalled what Ellyana had said, and pulled out an ale flask. After that, things are a bit ... hazy. I remember standing next to Ellyana, my left arm hurting like blazes, passing her drinks while Lestat worked his magic. At last it was done.
So let me describe my tattoo. A young woman with dark hair and eyes which are green as the deep sea or the summer's grass brandishes a wooden staff. Her hair is set with seashells and mountain flowers, in the manner of a royal diadem. She rides on a sea-horse. There she is, for all the world to see. My Ocean Princess is now impressed as firmly on my skin as she is in my heart.
Ellyana, too, has her chosen designs. I know what they represent, but I feel it is up to her to explain if she wishes. If you ask her, she may tell you.

Sunday, 02 September 2007
Changed @ 07:23 - Link - comments
Sand, a blazing sun, sand dunes. Infrequent glimpses of another adventurer, a solitary ruin, and more sand. This is the N'rolav desert.
I spent mant marcs there yesterday. At first all I found were zombies and scorpions. After killing many of them, I rested for a while in the comparative shade of the ruin, then set out on the hunt once more. By then the brown guardians were starting to show themselves, though they dropped nothing but dulls. I seemed to have been in that blazing inferno for ever. I recall chasing after yet another kill, then I must have just dropped to the ground exhausted. The next thing I knew it was several marcs later and I was covered in a fine layer of drifted sand. Ellyana had found me and had watched over me.
I recovered somewhat, and resumed the hunt. Zombie after scorpion, the kills and experience mounted. And a few guardians appeared. It was a welcome change to take glowing crystals from a couple of them.
I'm not too sure what drove me yesterday. I did nothing but train. Still, I guess that's no bad thing, and I gained two-thirds of a level.
Ellyana and I left the desert eventually, both too tired to do much but sit chatting for a while before falling asleep.
Saturday, 01 September 2007
Changed @ 05:37 - Link - comments
I spent a long time in the N'rolav desert yesterday, hip-deep in zombies and scorpions. It's hot, repetitive work slaying the creatures, and all the time keeping an eye out for any guardians that might have been flushed out into the open. Still, experience mounts up and plat rolls in with each kill. I guess this is where I'll be for the remainder of this level at least. With Ellyana's blessings and Lucy's enchantments I made a lot of progress there.
Ellyana had been chasing around the desert before I arrived, farming and trying to break her personal best for kills. She'd reached 520 as I arrived. As the time passed and the figures changed, she began hunting out guardians. She found quite a few, but unfortunately all any of them dropped were dulls.
We left the desert and found somewhere to wash off the sand and gore in which we had become covered. After a drink and a chat we prepared to rest. Ellyana was, I think, a bit apprehensive that her dark dreams might return, but she felt more easy as I held her in my arms, and she drifted off to sleep. I watched over her for a time. Oh, and she's learned how to skim stones across the lake! So I rested for a while. And soon, it's back to the endless sands and the uncountable hordes of desert creatures.