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A book of medium size, bound in plain light leather. Inside it are the words, written in a clear hand, "This book belongs to Topaz."
Saturday, 11 October 2014

I am the color of the sky,
made bright with dawn, Sunrifter's golden light.
I shine in streams and lakes and pools of water,
in rare and precious gems of sterling worth.
I am the bird that bears on wing a song,
the indigo of springtime blossom's eye.

I serve as Valorn's watchful eye,
walking the ways between the earth and sky,
and on my lips a greeting and a song
to lift the heart and make its burdens light.
I find no soul of Valorn lacking worth.
My heart is fresh as rain and pure as water.

From tidal sands and ocean's water
to mountain peaks where soar the eagle's eye,
I rush to battle, and behold the worth
of courage, fearless death beneath the sky.
I bear the glint of mighty iron's light,
the sweetness too of food and drink and song.

I am the rallying battle-song
to call the hero-hosts, who roar like water
down on the darkness, cleansing it with light
that dazzles Balthazar's unwelcome eye,
first of defenders under Valorn's sky
to show the foe what valiant death is worth.

The Mighty Ones declare my worth,
and praise my works of fable and of song.
My tales are heard beneath the midnight sky,
Sunrifter's noon that dazzles on the water,
by tavern fires to soothe the sleepy eye,
and in the spider-cavern's eerie light.

To fight the dark and serve the light
are my true path, my being and my worth,
to guard the weaker with a loving eye
and meet the hardest battle with a song.
As barren deserts bloom near springs of water,
I flower always under Valorn's sky.

Let Cory's Light re-echo with my song,
its worth renowned o'er Trinald's land and water;
my eye still smiles upon you, blue as sky.

Topaz posted @ 12:36 - Link - comments
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