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Two thin slats of wood hold a collection of paper of various sizes. The writing itself bears scrawls, writeouts and scratchthroughs. Careful looking will reveal most of the poor spelling diction and grammer being marked through and more typical writing being left.
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Thursday, 27 October 2011
I don't understand. He said he promised her and that means he won't do it anymore. He promised that to me two times. Why is one more? He came to talk but it was time to do my job. Do words to one person mean less and two isn't as big as it should be?

Before that Jaltz and I talked. He liked my mask. He has a pretty things too. The seamstress told him I talked about him. I wonder what else she said. Maybe I shouldn't have talked to her so much. He says words get stuck. I wondered if someone uses glue on them but he told me what that really meant.

I spoke with another too. Her mask looks very soft. She says her apprentice and Blue Jay helped her make it. She did a good job with it. I asked her to say hello to Egret and Nightingale.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
I found some more and it was very quiet. The crier said the seamstress was in the inn and I went to look. Noone else was there and she was talking to Jeffrey. She stopped and talked to me for a bit. She said lots of people had been by. There was still cloth missing. I told her I had some and gave it to her.

Her hands are gnarled and she creaks but she's very good with a needle and thread. She offered to sew some of the cloth onto something of mine. I asked if she could fix my cloak and make it prettier. It was already beautiful. She told me if I did that and I wanted to wear another cloak noone would see it anymore. Teacher gave it to me. I don't think I ever want to wear another cloak because it reminds me of him and all his smart words. I gave it to her. She said Jeffrey would give it back later and we talked some more.

Noone else came to see her and she left.

I have my cloak again. I like it very much. One of the colors is one that Teacher wears alot. It's warmer now too.

StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Monday, 24 October 2011
There were many people at the mask making but I stayed for it. People were moving around and talking when suddenly tables appeared. The Big Un came next. She gave us some rules and we got masks to decorate.

I didn't know what to do at first. I though about making a pretty mask to go with Teacher's cloak. That didn't sound right. The cloak is special because he gave it to me. I saw Blue Jay there and thought about making a mask like hers. I don't think I like a color that much and I didn't make one.

The Big Un was watching and tapping her hammer. I thought some more. Masks could be pretty or scary. I thought about the pretty things I'd seen here. There were many. I liked many of the things I saw in the Quiet Dark. They were pretty even if they reminded me of some of the big uns at home. It wasn't how they looked. It was what they did.

The prettiest thing I ever saw was under the sewers. It flew and danced in the air. It could burn too. I tried to make a mask that looked like it. I don't know how well it worked because I got tired and had to go rest. I like it.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Fall Festival is here again. I woke and found a bandito nearby. Instead of a token he had some red cloth on him. It is as bright as the reds of a fire or of the roses I have seen in the gardens at the castle where Teacher used to teach me. No one I've asked can say where he is.

He has left before. He has places to go and things to learn. I just hope to see him again. He knows so much and was always kind to share it. He was only loud once and he didn't mean it. We went to a place where the caves were very, very loud. I've been back since and it's still loud. I'm better at being there though.

Many people are wearing costumes. I got some food and it was very good. She told me that there would be mask making again. I will try to be there.

Fall Festival has many good things about it. I like that there's no harvest. I hope I can find a use for the cloth. It is very bright.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments