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The Book of Change
Friday, 23 October 2009
Changed @ 15:44 - Link - comments
I've spent a mostly solitary few days, spending a lot of time camped out over by Fartown or beneath the towering trees of Verth. Creatures have been seen moving around up in the canopy, and I've heard tell of a useful prize to be found far above the sprawling forest. So I wait and watch for a while, returning to Fartown after unsuccessful forays to sell what loot I've gathered on the way.

There's been time to reflect on a few things. A few evenings past at the Dundee Inn, the old subject of the half-full or half-empty ale mug came up in conversation. Someone there didn't seem to quite take my point that which phrase you use is a matter of how you look at things in general. They did however, offer the opinion that no matter how you describe that mug, it still contains the same amount of ale.

Those words, coming on top of a small event that had left me feeling low, struck a chord in my mind. The same can be said of anything, when you come right down to it. No matter how you describe something, it's still the same. And in the same way, your opinions on events will make not a jot of difference to those events. So, why waste time and effort trying to analyse a situation you can do nothing about? If your thoughts or feelings on a matter aren't considered relevant, all you achieve is to find yourself worn down like a rock trying to hold back the uncaring tides.

And yet ... we can't forget the past, nor ignore the present. Without a past and present, we have no future. Past experience, present thoughts and events - these are what give us something on which to base decisions concerning which way to go.

Past and present join as one, directing path taken under the sun.
They make us what we are, you see - shaping what may someday be.
The things that were, and those that are ... all become a guiding star
To show the path, to lead the way to that unknown, familiar, future day.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Changed @ 17:49 - Link - comments
Once more rain was falling and peals of thunder rolled across the skies: once more the same figure continued the search, his movements fragmented by lightning flashes which momentarily illuminated and transfixed him:the parchment still held under cover from rain as he knocked on yet another door.
As he waited for a response, the traveller felt a mix of emotions run through him - anticipation, despair, hope, anger, a sense that success was a mere door away, a foreboding that this door would open then be shut against him. A vivid range of feelings in one who had for so long done all he could to push all emotions - all save one ... overriding love - deep down within his being where they could no longer cause him hurt.
As the thunder quieted for a moment, he knocked again, and sensed a movement inside the house. The door opened, and he held up the precious parchment carrying the image he knew so well. 'Have you seen her?' he asked, holding the parchment before the eyes of she who had opened the door.
As he had come to expect, the woman nodded. In spite of past disappointments, his heart rose. 'Is she here?'
The woman shook her head. 'No, not now. She came ... she left ... and where she went, I know not.'
Drops of water fell as he nodded, rain dislodged from its hold on his long hair. Though perhaps it was not only rain that flowed down his face. He had known what the response would be - the same as he had heard, in slightly different words, from a thousand anonymous voices as he roamed and searched. He turned away with no further word, his head turning from side to side as if he were unsure which way to go.

The woman watched from the warmth and dryness of her home as he walked away, and frowned slightly as she attempted to make out a figure that walked with him. A horse, she thought at first, though no horse had such a long, spiralled horn protruding from it's head. A magnificent creature, she thought, as man and companion disappeared into the darkness and teeming rain ...
Did they, though, disappear from sight ... did they fade from view, or fade away? Unsure as she was of what she saw, she was definite of the words she heard:his voice, though quiet, cleaving through the storm,low and regretful but still with underlying hope - 'Tell her. Tell her I still seek her, to care for and protect her, as I promised. To help her grow whole and strong, as I've always hoped to do. And ... tell her to never doubt, to never forget.'
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Changed @ 20:49 - Link - comments
So once more Fall Festival approaches. Guilds are preparing competitions and diversions, and already people are scouring the lands for banditos!
There's an air of expectation, as always happens in the run-up to the festival, and much chatting in the Inn about what entertainments may be put on this time. But as ever, we keep our eyes and ears open and our blades close as we discuss the matter. Enjoyable as Fall Festival is, we still need to stay alert. The forces of darkness too know this is a time of merriment, a time when more may be together in one place ... a more tempting target.

I must admit to facing the upcoming season with mixed feelings. Anticipation yes, and some excitement ... but trepidation too, for there are so many memories of last Festival which will be playing on my mind even more than usual. Many of those with whom I spent the season last time around are now rarely seen;others now have no time to stop and speak. Signs of something occuring that I so blithely ignored at the time ...

I'm determined, though, to attend as many of the festivities as I can get to. Who knows, next time around it might be possible to host an event. I'd some half-formed ideas, but they were forced to remain as just that. Next year, maybe.

And this year? I'll be there, taking what enjoyment and relaxation there is with those that are here, and watching and wondering about those that once were.
Sunday, 04 October 2009
Changed @ 20:13 - Link - comments
I was amazed to see how long it's been since I last wrote here. I've walked the lands, speaking with guildkin when I see them. There have been times when I've been run off my feet, chasing around to assist at raids. And there have been quieter times, sitting in the Dundee Inn with a mug of Night Smoke, chatting with friends and acquaintances.

I've been teaching someone the way of the rogue. He's quick and keen, and soon will be ready to go to the temple.

A few days ago, as a result of a contest, I ended up on stage at the Dundee theatre, telling a few jokes. I can't claim to have brought the house down, but I also don't accept that anything I said was responsible for a wave of attacks - I don't think Balthazar would have been listening. The Crier was, however, distracted by some sort of fly buzzing around him, and simply didn't have a chance to announce raids until it was almost too late. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

I've had some good fortune, using words and wits to provide amusement for others in the lands. I'm finding great enjoyment, and a certain satisfaction, trying my hand at various contests. And coming up with something suitable keeps my mind occupied.

Busy, busy. But I've also found that no matter how busy you are, how much you have to do, there are sometimes voids that are too great to be filled.