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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
I was talking with Squirrel. She didn't know any who were looking. No one else did either. I found it but noone needed it. Someone will and they will be happy to find it all on their own. I look just like I still open things even when noone is around because Cat asked a long time ago. I haven't seen him in a while. I hope he's doing good.

We were talking and the Crier said Fartown was in danger. I had what I needed. I went there the fast way. Others were there too. She finished it but gave it to me saying I did it. I didn't. I didn't want to argue so I took it. Someone else in her guild has it now. Everything is square. It's bad when things aren't.

I saw Gar today and learned a new word way. He said it was good running into each other but he didn't mean it that way. It means it was nice seeing someone again. Can people walk into each other too? Maybe skip? Must it be running?

StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Friday, 17 October 2008
There was a raid and pirates tried to get to Dundee. People came and stopped them. That's good.

If they're your words you know what they mean the most. Squirrel tried to help but she didn't know the words either. It's good to know everyone doesn't know all the words. He has lots of confusing words. It's not just me.

He asked about snuffys. He had to explain what he meant. It made sense but it didn't at first. Now it does. I wonder if others call them snuffys too.

She said she went to more quiet dark but she likes Fartown better. I don't know why. The fires are awful pretty. The inn filled and she didn't like it either. She went upstairs.

I opened a box. The lock was easy. I had wondered if I could still do that. I can. He liked what he got so that's good. We met a long time ago but not in a while. When you don't see someone in a long time are you still the same people you were before?

I got ready to go back to the quiet dark. People asked if anything changed. I didn't know what they meant. The ground shook and noone knows what caused it. Maybe it's something good. Maybe it's something bad. Nobody knows yet. Maybe we will soon.

StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
I went to Dundee today. Thorin was there. I thought he was asleep but he wasn't. We talked for a while. He doesn't like the quiet dark much either. He said it's lifeless. And quiet. He knew I took her there. It's good people talk to each other. I wonder if people still call on his thumbs.

If it wasn't quiet would it still be the quiet dark? People have different explanations for why it's there. I don't know which one is true. It just is. The fire is very nice to look at though. I will have to go there again soon.

Squirrel said Bear says warriors attract guardians. She said just talking to him helped her find some. He's going to be awful busy helping. She has lots of posh words. She shares long blessings too. That's good of her.

I saw more of the new place. It's very nice. Someone else was there so I left. I didn't want to bother her. Maybe I'll go back another time.

I need to rest now.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Monday, 13 October 2008
I went to see the places, but they were gone. There was something new there. Ellyana has lots of names. She's Elly and Eee Ell too. I saw it on a stone. She told me about it too. They have a nice place. I didn't get to see all of it. There was a raid. I couldn't help though. I'll see the rest another time.

I had to find a new place to go when bad things happened. After I looked a bit I did. I hope I don't have to go there though.

Lots of people came to help with the raid. That was good.

I haven't seen Squirrel lately. I hope she got her luck. How would you know when you got it? Would it come in a box like the pets do?

Egret sent me a note. The Knights are paying a bounty on Demon Scalps. It was nice of him to tell me. I think I'll keep the scalps though. They're pretty.

StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Friday, 10 October 2008
Bear was around the other day. I hadn't seen him in a while. It was good to see him. I hope he stays more. I had to go rest so we only talked a little. He was back today. That was good.

I met someone who had one name but said to call him by another. That's okay. He said I was from the shadows. I told him I carried lots of light but that didn't seem to matter. He seemed nice.

She had talked about going to the quiet dark but she didn't sound like she knew much about it. I told her about the other quiet dark and we went there. First we went to the bos. She liked that. A pouch fell. She didn't know why pouches were there. I told her how Jimmy said it meant good luck to put them on the bos. She hung one.

We went to the quiet dark and she got to look around. I don't think she likes it very much. That's okay. She probably likes places I don't. She saw the fire and the inn and the people. They still say they want to leave but they don't go. I don't know why. Bear and Wolf said they'd try to help them once. I guess they didn't want any.

We looked around some more. It was time for her to go back to the loud. I stayed there to rest though.

Today I spoke with lots of people. Some made sense. Some didn't until they explained more.

Lark talked about rocking someone. It didn't seem the same as I knew though. She said it was soothing. You didn't throw anything at anyone. She turned red when we talk. I decided not to ask more.

Scally talked about showing ropes after he asked about what I had done lately. I didn't know I had any on me. Then he explained. It's teaching. I didn't know I was doing that.

Elderous was really loud.

It was good to talk to people.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments
Tuesday, 07 October 2008
I saw many I haven't seen in a way. Butterfly made the sky light up. He says he's good. He also said the weather was bad. I looked up in the sky by didn't see any hail. Maybe it was where he was.

Tui Mui was in Milltown. We talked for a bit. She hasn't seen festival before. I said what I could. I hope she has a good time this year.

Valor and I talked too. She went to some of the quiet dark. I said I'd show her more if she wanted. She told me the one helped her before. I'm glad. We talked a bit about the two and three but she doesn't need that. She says she cleans for herself even though it's something someone else left. I wonder if that's why people clean. Valina was there too. We talked.

We went to Caernivale. She never saw the river before. She has now. I'm glad I could help. I hope she gets back safe.
StarlingLackland - Link - comments