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Entries Dated Saturday, 21 October 2006
It was a delightful evening passed recently. It's not often that Haleth and I sit at length in an Inn and enjoy the company of so many of our friends. It's always nice to see the way she lights up a room... and I must admit I feel myself glowing when she is near. Remy was there, as were several others. Most notably, Oren Vaultbreaker made a breif appearance.

I've seen him several times during my journies and recently I've seen him more often as we have both been spending quite a bit of time in the Spider Caves. I can't say I know him, although he is in the Shadow Asylum with some of my friends; Daedrienne and Idlewind. He apparently came to the Inn seeking blessings from Haleth... I don't think I would have taken much notice had he not adressed her the way he did. "Wonderous Haleth." As if he would know. I must admit that its not often I see Haleth bless someone. I remember the first time... I felt similarly this time as well... and It's not as if I don't realize that is just what cleric's do - all the blessing and laying hands on and all that. I just didn't like it. There. I can admit it to myself at least. Jealous? Maybe... I did good though. I didn't shove him to the ground or tell him to ask someone not trying to have a pleasant conversation for blessings. Or advise him that perhaps an enchanter would better serve his needs to aide his training. I didn't even glare - but I wanted to. He does have a guild after all. He didn't have to ask Haleth. He didn't need her attention.

Yes, I know. That is me being selfish. That is me being petty. That is me being jealous. I guess I get too used to having her all to myself sometimes. Having that amazingly warming smile cast in my direction. Having those loving eyes meant only for me. Having those healing hands taking such tender care of my wounds.

It's nothing really... I am being quite silly. I know that Haleth must be true to her profession and her faith as a cleric. She probably heals and blesses dozens or hundreds of people that I am never around to witness. I really am proud of her and I couldn't imagine her without that empathic passion for healing and helping people. So, why did it seem so different this time? Oren is always polite and an accomplished warrior. I guess I just need to get used to sharing her more with the world.
Raffe posted @ 20:45 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Monday, 09 October 2006
I can always tell its going to be a good day when it starts with Haleth. We went to the Spider Caves this morning, a place she can train and I can harvest the items left behind by the silk spinners.

It's amazing to watch her fight. It's something I have always enjoyed, since the days when I first joined the guild and I watched her with stars in my eyes... being barely able venture into the desert and she walked in places I could barely imagine. She probably doensn't even realize the beauty in her every step. She moves with an graceful instinct that is more than practice, but there is no denying her skill with the blade comes from countless hours of training. When she is engaged it battle it's more a dance of advantage and opportunity than outpouring of aggression. The exhilaration of the fight lights her eyes with an awe inspiring intensity, yet you can tell its not the blood of her enemy she craves when victory is sweet. She fights with a purpose, not just to kill. Haleth always shows an appreciation for life while knowing the necessity of this war we fight. She even manages to handle her wounds with grace... except those occasional moments I find her pouting at the Life Monument when she has taken on more than she can easily handle.

I stirred up a Blue Crystal Guardian while we were down there. It was the first she had battled and had been holding its crystal for so long that it had rubbed all glow off with its metal paws. But it was a good fight and she was excited to have the opportunity to see what it held. I am sure there will be many more in her future - but I was glad to be there to see her slay the first.

It's always a good a day when it starts with Haleth.
Raffe posted @ 15:03 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Sunday, 08 October 2006
Sometimes I dont even make sense to myself. I have half mind to shred that last entry... but I have a feeling that enough people have found my journal shelved in the Inn that it wouldnt matter anyway. So, I dont always have clarity of thought.

I dont think it was a single mistake or single misstep. And its really nothing so tragic as the end of the world... and I guess an apology might be the simple solution. Maybe Im just worried that sometimes its all really too much to ask for, too much to expect from anyone.

This isnt me giving up anything... This is me... wondering if getting my footing is as simple as trying out a new set of boots.

Maybe wading isnt so cowardice, because it really is just as dangerous as a headlong dive.
Raffe posted @ 18:14 - Link - comments
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Some flowers need lots of sunshine to show their brilliant colors.
Some flowers require shade and wither under the bright light.
Some require a balanced mix of the two; not withstanding too much direct light but not flourishing in heavy shade.

Unfortunately, it takes careful consideration to determine which is which... and sometimes you end up doing a fair bit of damage along the way. I guess, it takes practice to get the right balance as well.

I just hope... Well, I always hope.
Raffe posted @ 09:39 - Link - comments
Entries Dated Thursday, 05 October 2006
Reminder to self: Never bet against a woman.

Hmm…well, that is not exactly a fair estimation. Never wager against Sreip.

I must admit it that it must have seemed like a dangerous proposition on the surface; but I have never met a more honorable and trustworthy warrior than the leader of the Clan of the Shrouded Bunnies. Often we trust our comrades in arms with our lives – knowing that the Great Cory grants redemption to those that pass through his plane having died in the noble pursuit of battling the evil that plagues the land. However, when Sreip and I agreed to this mutual challenge of speed and skill – we were trusting each other with something that cannot be restored at the nearest Life Monument and even the gods do not interfere in; our reputations. Each of us staked the respect of our friends and fellow adventurers on the forfeit, to see who could fight through hoards of beasts and have the World Crier announce their advancement and victory. The winner would set a forfeit of their choosing for the other (within the Laws of the Land, of course). A potentially high price to pay… and this is certainly not something I would have undertaken with just anyone. In fact, Sreip is one a very few individuals I trust enough to place such a wager with.

Yet, I am writing this to caution my future self. Why? Well, because I lost. She beat me fairly and not by much – but she has proven her blade is swifter than mine. It was the hardest fought 4 marcs of my life. Never have I chased down the beasts with such aggression – fighting almost blindly and exhausted by the end. Each of us started with only a quarter of our training remaining to accomplish, so we were on relatively even ground (differences in training levels no with standing, we each went to our chosen training areas). There were no blessings or enchantments allowed and we had enough potions to make it through without any worries of needing to pause for restocking. We had just begun the battling when Sreip realized we had forgotten to equalize the trip back to the Trainer, but luckily Topaz was nearby and provided me with a teleport scroll to Dundee to match one that Sreip had. Then the battle began anew and neither of us stopped swinging until the goal was met –
And I heard the words signaling my defeat:
“Sreip Enudreklaw has advanced in power and skill!”

I wonder if the World Crier realized the significance of that particular announcement. Probably not and most likely could care less – as such affairs between warriors interest few others.

We met at the trainer – and managed to coax our exhausted legs to carry us to Dundee Inn where we had a refreshing drink to celebrate the spirit of the competition and Sreip’s well earned, hard fought victory. Never have I been so honored in a defeat. It was an unquestionably fair competition and extremely close. It felt good to train so hard – I don’t think I have bent myself to training in such a way in a very long time. Its important to push your own limits from time to time, or in our case, have friends willing to help push you a little bit further. It wasn’t long before the adrenaline subsided and our blood had cooled that we each went out separate ways to rest… I slept for a very long time.
It was days before Sreip and I met again for her to name her forfeit for me. Everyone was quite expecting it to be something… unsavory. Topaz even cautioned me about agreeing to a forfeit that wasn’t named before hand and worried that an Iron Knight would be exposed to ridicule. Justly, I should say, if it had been anyone other than Sreip it would have been a dangerous endeavor as I mentioned before. However, I knew Sreip would take no satisfaction in sullying my personal or professional reputation or doing any sort of harm to my honor… as I would never do anything of the sort to her either. Her chosen forfeit was well thought out and fitting. She chose accompany me on my training. If anyone mistakes Sreip’s simple, straight forward manner of speaking for a lack of intelligence they are sadly and sorely mistaken. I wish I had been given the opportunity to gain from another’s experience in such a way. I might have gone into many of my battles with a much better strategy and suffered embarrassing defeat far less.

Its hard to describe the admiration and deep respect I have for her. I say never wager against Sreip – its mostly because you are almost assured to lose, but if I am ever to set such another wager... I would gladly do so again with Sreip.
Raffe posted @ 17:14 - Link - comments (1)
Entries Dated Tuesday, 03 October 2006
Sometimes we find ourselves in strange places. Sometimes we seek them out with a purpose, only to realize that purpose was just an excuse to not face the real reason we feel compelled to go.
The Strange Creatures that lurk in the Glowing Catacombs will no longer stand under my blade and choose to hide between the outcroppings of rock, watching me with their pale glowing eyes. I came here, saying I would check something for a friend.. something they didnt really need checking, least of all by me.
I remember hunting here for the first time and finding the small river that runs through this hollowed part of the mountain. Its eerie reflections always disturbed some part of me and I was afraid to step often into the cavernous rooms of the catacombs that held the water. Then Haleth came... and when she hunted with me, I didnt notice the creepy, crawling things that fell from the hanging roots onto my armor. The odd skittering noises didnt make me jump and constantly look over my shoulder, in a vain attempt to to see clearly what was moving around the cavern walls with more legs than I could count. My stomach didnt turn with the thought of what that tickling feeling on the back of my neck might actually be. The duet of glowing and reflected glow no longer made me feel uncomfortable... and I didnt mind my feet getting wet as we crossed through the small rivers and ponds.

She has this way of making the world seem perfect and have meaning. Even when there is battle, I can feel my purpose when she is close and I know everything is going to be all right. I don't think I ever told her how much I miss training and hunting with her. She always urged me to not hold back, not let her hold me back... as if she could ever do such a thing. She must certainly realize she is my inspiration and all that I do, I do so that I can return to her at the end of my day and wake to her for each to new beginning.

I think that is my real reasons for sitting here now, in these dank, musty Catacombs. This was the place of our beginning. Odd as it may seem... perhaps it was the exertion of the battle that wore down the walls at that moment; maybe it was nothing so simple as that... but it was here in these catacombs, within these strangely glowing caverns that crawl with innumberable legs that Haleth kissed me for the first time. Its more than just a footprint I have put down on this part of Valorn. Its more than just a place I can say I have seen and conquered the beasts that threatened my life. I think I just needed to remind myself that its not just the battle and glory, honor and privelege with every advancement of my skill and power.

I know that without my Haleth, none of that would matter anymore. She truly gives meaning to everything in my life. I will have to make a point of telling her the next time she wakes. Its something I am ashamed to admit that I forget to say... when she wakes and I have tales of my adventures, people Ive met, plans Ive made... all things that wouldnt matter without her, without having her to talk about them with.

Raffe posted @ 11:54 - Link - comments