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The Book of Change
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Changed @ 00:51 - Link - comments
As is my custom, on the day I left weapons and armour locked away in the bank vault and dressed in clothing more fitting for the occasion.
I made my way to the roses, and was glad to see that no creatures were lurking there. I'd been sitting awhile when I heard footsteps approaching. I knew who it was, of course - those blue boots make a quite distinctive sound.
We chatted about all manner of things. Azure told me how the rose-bushes came to be growing there, and about who now tends them. And I also learned something about an item of apparel I've seen from time to time.
We watched the bees as they lazily flew around, and pondered on what might happen if they found their way into helm or armour. I suggested that perhaps they could be trained to sting our enemies, but Azure thought it more likely that they'd spend their time as ever, leaving us to attend to any dangers. I commented that if that were the case then I must have been having a bee-day. The Knight said that the lands would be well-guarded while I took the time I needed. It's gratifying to know that even when apparently ignoring the goings-on in this place we call home, it's understood that after that short time we're trusted to once more heed the call of the Iron Mistress.
Azure had to leave on patrol and I stayed in that place for several peaceful marcs, alone with my thoughts and memories.