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Life of a Roguess
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Emmy @ 11:30 - Link - comments
[SIZE=7][COLOR=red]I've been able to find a new "home", if that's what ya want to call it. The Circle seems to be a pretty good group of people to be able to put up with me and want me to join their "family". I've been able to catch up with that rogue and get him to join also. It seems like the only one I have left to find a spot is that jokester. He's been awake the past couple of times I've been awake and eggin me on like he does, always to my detriment.

I was rather distraught upon wakin one morn to find the guild hall has been reclaimed. It was the one spot that I could get away to to really think. A lot of memories were made there, now to be carried on in the hearts of those that have the same. It's the one downside to all of this and one that I know I will get over in time. But for so long, that was my home, I helped to build that place with my own two hands. Even after the guild was gone, seein how I couldn't board it all up, I would still go there to think and just retreat from others. Now I have to find me a new spot to do so. The Circle's guild hall is beautiful, mind ya, but it lacks that piece of me that Honor's had. That is somethin that will forever be with Honor that no other guild can possibly have. I will do my best to help out the new guild as well as I'm able to do so, I will eventually be able to make it my home, but until then, that one place is the place in my heart that I will always miss and long for.[/SIZE][/COLOR]