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Vardian's Journal
Vardian's Journal
The book looks brand new and well cared for. The owner obviously takes a great deal of care over it and if you glimpse the writing it is neat and tidy. There is a large bundle of paper attached to it that seem to be covered in writing, some looks quite old.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Festival is over and it passed in a bit of a whirl. I enjoyed it so much more this year than last - I am not sure why. So many wonderful events were organised by so many different people, of all professions and all guilds, and it seemed to pull the land together. Danger was as near as ever, of course, but it seemed that the raids were less in number and ferocity. Perhaps the Dark One could not bear so much joyous light, or to hear the merry sound of laughter mocking his attempts to bend and destroy us all.

Even those whose demeanour is usually serious at least came to events even if they did not wish to participate fully. I am glad of it and pray for them all. Some still have heavy burdens weighing them down. You can see it etched into their faces. I have taken a step back from advice and words unless they are sought. It has caused too many problems in the past - words meant kindly that are not taken so, or thinking a level of understanding tells you all you need to know and then finding a ravine between you and the one you would help that can never be bridged. Some seem to think I could never be any help at all. I am sure they see a fluffy bunny beneath the fluffy bunny costume I wore for the last few days of festival. A fluffy bunny so settled and happy with her guild family, so settled and happy in profession and so blessed in her heart - how could she know anything? I can honestly say that the despair I once knew seems as far away as it could be at present. Shadows are few and far between and seem to be present only out of the corner of my eye and driven away effortlessly by the light. They are not long and cold the shadows as once they were; eclipsing all the life out of me. I have forgotten nothing; I take nothing for granted. It is all still there if I choose to unlock those firmly bolted doors in my mind, but I do not choose to. Ah blessed goddesses - I thank you for Festival. It is not the only thing, or even the most important thing, that has brought me to this place, but it helped.

There were tales of terror! And truly terrible they were, but they did not pray too much on my mind or give me bad dreams. Rather they made me see anew all that is good and worth all this fighting for. Then the pumpkins. What a treat from the goddess! I was so delighted to see all the carvings that were done at the first meeting called by the goddess. Such skill! And such creativity! I was quite convinced that it was not for me. I do not have a great deal of confidence in my abilities and seeing the marvellous creations of others did not help! Yet despite that I rushed along to the second meeting. I thought I could not possibly have the courage to do anything for the Blessed Devora appeared! I had never seen Her, only heard Her name. But Oh! What a sight She was to behold - truly great indeed! Beautiful too and decked out in marvellous gear. She seems less tolerant than Gracious Miranda - and why should She be otherwise! We are, after all, mere mortals despite our weapons and armour and skills. Her hammer and ring made me nervous, but I realised that to dither and dally would do no good and so I carved. I did not really know what I would attempt at the start, though everyone else seemed to jump straight in and know exactly what they were about. Something made me think of my recent trip into the caves and my hunting for crystals. I remembered the skittering in the darkness and the eyes looming at me from the gloom. It made my mind up there and then - a spider was the very thing! It had sounded simple, and so it was compared to many of the carvings, and yet gave me trouble. In the end the eyes were quite good I think - slanting and cruel…. But the legs were not quite right - the thing looked as though it had been chased by a N’rolav beast and had its legs squished. Still it was done and looked much better than I could have hoped for with the soul stone behind it.

I still cannot quite believe that my name was chosen from all those present to be mentioned by the goddess Miranda. I have never been so shocked, or thrilled - in that way, in all my life. We left that place with a Jack’o Lantern given by the goddess Jane Herself, preserved for all time, and Her godly blessing flowed through us. What a joy! What a marvel! There is talk of some prize - meant for me! I have had so much already and have so much to come it hardly seems fair. I will not dwell on that thought - I can scarce believe it and I confess I feel terribly excited!

So I will settle here in our House of Worship - very conscious of the myriad of things I have to be thankful for. If shadows do ever creep into my line of sight they can be banished easily enough by dwelling on the light that shines brighter than anything in my mind. All I need is to wrap my old cloak about me to feel the sweetness of the time it was first placed about my shoulders and to take the same comfort from it. It feels so quiet after all the hustle and bustle of Festival. That is good. I can gaze on Great Ben (may His Beard be ever lustrous) and Beloved Cory (May His forehead shine over us forever), and hear the inner thoughts of my mind. I hear that dear voice as clear as though it were speaking next to me and, oh! How good it feels. To see them now would be so much sweet delight I would surely not be able to bear it. Still - I think I might like to try…

Vardian posted @ 17:51 - Link - comments
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