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The Book of Change
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Changed @ 09:23 - Link - comments
The Gods reached out and purifed the tainted monument in that awful, dark place. And I felt a taint lifted from myself too. It was after all some of my strength that had contributed to the construction of that foul abomination. That strength was taken from me against my will true enough - but even so I've carried the thought that I was partly responsible for the existence of that monument and it's been a source of shame. Now, thanks to the Gods that watch over us, those thoughts have been banished.

Once purified that monument served us well. So many sent there by foul creatures and dark forces. All around us was so much blood and smoke, death and hope while strange magics crackled in the very air around us. And always seeking our goal, or watching out for those who might have become trapped, assailed on all sides by much stronger foes. But none weakened or gave up, and all were saved.

And at the last, all save six of us had made a triumphant escape. Three blasted apart by the Dark One or afflicted by sickness. And Sorynn, struggling to drag an unconscious Topaz to the flickering portal. Some of the kin were calling to me, urging me to make my way out of that place. I almost weakened, until my hand brushed against the pouch I carry ...

There's a shell necklace in that pouch, a gift from the Blue Knight. She gave it to me some time ago, at a time when I feared that my resolve was faltering. She told me it's more likely the brine will disappear from the sea than that my sense of duty could desert me. I'm not sure how true were her words, but that necklace has often been a source of strength.

Maybe it was that sense of duty - maybe it was the thought that none would be waiting for me outside that dark place - maybe it was sheer stubbornness on my part. Whatever motivated me at that moment I knew that I could not leave fallen comrades in such dire straights. So I remained, keeping watch as the others made their slow and painful way out. I took one last look at the purified monument and dived through the portal. And just before I escaped, one final blast of some dark energy hit me, turning my Ultimate Weapon to ash in my hand, the energy and heat leaving burns on my hands and arms. But the pain and the loss seemed a price worth paying. We had achieved what we set out to do, and left none behind. All was well.

Or so I thought. I had to sleep for a time while the burns began to heal. I woke to find some things were different. Maybe this journal is well named! I've had much cause to be grateful in recent days. Offers of whatever assistance I need to replace my Ultimate Weapon, help in looking after the burns I sustained, invitations to many places, and not least some charming company to pass the marcs between the calls of duty.

I have a goal, I have places where I'm welcome to lay my head, and there are friends around me. And all these things are what any of us need to carry us through darkness.