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Life of a Roguess
Monday, 19 May 2014
Emmy @ 18:38 - Link - comments
[SIZE=7]Oh how I long to just stray off this path and into that dark abyss. I know I won't, but it would be so nice to do right now. Instead I put the mask on that everyone expects to see from me and go on like nothin is wrong. I think I've become rather good at it here lately. I do believe no one close to me has notice and if'in I can keep it that way, all the more better.[/SIZE]
Monday, 05 May 2014
Emmy @ 18:37 - Link - comments
[SIZE=7]Darkness ... does anyone really know what true darkness is? I thought I knew until I saw that place. It was all I could do to keep my mind focused on the mission at hand and not run screaming in fear. The statue, I do believe it is something I will never forget. Even after a few days, I don't know if I am able to put into words what it was like. The demons, we all should have known he would send a welcomin party to greet us. If it was not for the great Gods, I do not believe it would have been possible to complete the mission with all the demons that starved for our blood.

Once we located Her Majesty, I will never forget the condition she was in. It still makes my blood boil knowin what she must have endured before we were able to get there. We were able to locate 3 of the keys we needed to get her free. Unknown to us, we would have to fight one last demon for that last key. I say a demon because there is no way that he would have been sent to that place. Balthy does love to play with people's minds and use their deepest fears against them. But to use him against all of us, I think that was the biggest shock to my system.

Her Majesty is now resting in a safe place, away from pryin eyes. It is just as well, she does need to get better to make the decisions that need to be made for the future of Valorn.

Some were injured physically while in there. I believe all of us were injured one way or another in our minds. The nightmares have come back full force now. There is no way for me to escape them now. So I farm and put on the face that everyone expects to see from me. I hide this pain that I am in from all. No one needs to know of the darkness that I fight. And fight I will, for I will not allow it to consume me. Oh but it would be so easy to slip off that path again, to go the way of the darkness, but I know I won't, if nothin else but to protect those that I love, those that I have come to care for greatly.[/SIZE]