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The Book of Change
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Changed @ 09:51 - Link - comments
I mentioned a while ago that Fartown had been hit particularly hard by a series of raids. A couple of evenings ago, there was another odd occurrence there.

The crier reported that horrors had taken over the chasm in Fartown, and I made my way there through the tunnels of UnderValorn. Azure and Brisingr were already fighting with the creatures, and I used my poison blade to give some assistance. The chasm was cleared fairly quickly. The three of us stood by the forge for a moment while we made sure none of us had sustained any serious injury. And then ...

The crier called that horrors had taken over the Fartown chasm. Suddenly one appeared before us, launching an immediate attack. Again I used my blade to weaken the creature while Azure and Brisingr launched their own assault. And so it continued as we fought to clear the chasm and make our way back up into the town. At every step we met up with another horror, but between the three of us and our differing fighting skills we were able to quickly fall into an effective method of dealing with them.

Eventually we got the chasm cleared once more, and checked the town streets while we healed and checked equipment. My dagger was by that time becoming fairly worn, but Brisingr had one on him which he gave to me. I think that one too will soon see hard use. We talked for a while, and shared amongst us some items we found after slaying the horrors, then had to go our different ways.

So ... I wonder if Fartown is becoming a centre of attention among the dark forces that constantly beset us? I think it will be worth paying extra attention to events there, to see if any sort of pattern emerges.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Changed @ 19:47 - Link - comments
It's been a few days since I had a chance to write here. I've meant to, but somehow haven't quite got around to it.

There have been a couple of recent raids seemingly different from others, raids not heard of before. Zombie pirates have been attacking Caern, and have been attempting to take wood from the town. And one of them was seen on Kili. I've had a few vague thoughts about what they may be trying to do, but at the moment I can't be sure I'm not reading too much into a coincidence. I had a chance to briefly discuss the situation and my thoughts with Azure, and at least she didn't dismiss my initial idea out of hand as too far-fetched, so I'll be keeping an eye on Caern, trying to come up with a tenable theory as to what might be going on.

Devora Jane has set a couple of challenges to those interested in taking part. An alliterative description of a place or item in the lands was one, and coming up with a joke or pun about something in the lands was another. And there's a one-marc deadline. Certainly keeps your brain active ... which, apart from the enjoyment of coming up with a response, may be one of the aims of the exercise. And after the first, I was fortunate to find a little something in my pack, as a prize.

I answered a call to an attack on the Landing a couple of nights ago. When all was clear, I bumped into Azure and Asrai, who had been on their way to Fartown until hearing the crier's call. They'd decided to make another attempt to get there, so I went along and led them through the tower in the Wall. Having worked up a thirst on the walk, we wandered into the Inn at Fartown for a drink and a chat. For some reason we ended up swapping limericks, which has given me an idea for an event which the guild could host in the Emerald Mooon at the guildhall. And Azure mentioned a tavern-walk, with a tale-telling at the different inns. Before I knew it, I seemed to get talked into helping out. I'm wondering if Azure's trying to keep me out of mischief!

I seem to have got myself into something of a rut recently. I head for Old Dundee, or Caern in N'Rolav and spend time slaughtering every horror I come across. Then I head for the Inn at Dundee - with a diversion to the machine if I've found any glowies - for a drink and a chat with any friends who happen to be there. And then I roam around 'til I find somewhere to rest. Summerfaire is fast approaching, and I hope I'll have a chance to visit at least some of the events.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Changed @ 19:21 - Link - comments
Four nights ago I found myself, strangely enough, thankful for a succession of raids. They kept me occupied - fighting when I could, scouting the area when I could not. It had been a bad day ... nothing to do with anyone in the lands, just something that had worked it's way into my thinking and had been weighing heavily on my mind for a few days. Chasing around to raids and helping in the defence of the lands in whatever capacity I was able kept my mind focussed and helped to dispel the mood that had come over me.
The following evening, New Era hosted a tale-telling at Dundee square. There were quite a few people there. Unfortunately, the event was interrupted by a few raids. Luckily Lotus was able to summon portals to wherever was necessary, so the disruption was kept to a minimum. I'd had a chance to look at a few scrolls I have tucked away, and for once I thought to tell a tale myself, rather than listening all evening to the tales told by others. And totally unexpectedly, I was fortunate in winning one of the prizes. Mind you, if there had been less interruptions and opportunity for more to people to tell their tales, I'd probably have had no chance!
Yesterevening, I answered call after call to Fartown. Madmen at the gates ... creatures from the hunting preserve on the loose ... demons in the chasm. I've spoken with quite a few adventurers, and none of us can understand why that particular area was hit so hard. It could be sheer coincidence ... or maybe not.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Changed @ 19:42 - Link - comments
I was asked the other day if I knew why someone had left the guild. As it happens, I don't know the full reasons behind their decision. But that is neither here nor there. The question sent my mind off at a tangent as I thought of that ex-guildmate.
Before joining the guild, this friend had asked my view on a couple of points. I addressed his questions as best I could, and assured him that a concern he had was not the problem he thought. Not only did I assure him of that, I gave him my personal word. And then the situation changed, and the actions of others made his concerns come to be.
I'm a rogue, yes. I've spun stories and invented alibis out of thin air. But I've never lied to a friend. Not until that day. I was sure I was correct, and subsequent events were out of my hands ... but even so, the outcome was that what occured made a mockery of my words, and made a liar out of me. I feel badly about that.

AS I settled for some rest in the rogue lair, thoughts of promises were still on my mind. One I made some time ago, which prevented me thanking a person who gave me something I was looking for. One I made in the past which still holds true ... I still recall the pain when asked if I wished to be released from that promise.

So, that past guildmate had my apology. I suppose the lesson to be learned is to not make promises on behalf of others, even if you're sure at the time what you say is right.

And to the one to whom I made that binding promise, the one I don't wish broken. I remember the roses, and what was said. And my words still hold true.

I drifted off to sleep eventually. And as always happens when I sleep in the guildhall, I heard a familiar voice - but only in dreams - call my name.
Saturday, 09 May 2009
Changed @ 17:53 - Link - comments
It's been fairly quiet these last days. The lands seem at times almost empty of adventurers, and many of the guild still sleep. I thought I had sensed a change in the pattern of raids, but wasn't totally sure it wasn't just my imagination until I spoke with Brisingr, who confirmed that he had noticed the same thing. We did not tarry long, and set off on our own chosen paths to keep a watch over the lands.

Kesare has joined the guild, and she is a very welcome addition to our family. I've been the inductee in these events a few times, but it was the first time I'd inducted somebody else into a guild, and I had to read the form closely to make sure I signed it in the right place! Safiae, Nael and Jimmy were all able to attend. It's only infrequently we have the opportunity to actually meet up with friends in the lands, and all too soon we had to part company.

A few evenings ago I heard the crier call that there was a raid on Fartown. While checking to make sure the area was clear, I ran straight into dear Bryg. We spoke for a short time, but we both needed some rest. I told her I'd thought of climbing into the cannon and sleeping wherever I landed, and Bryg declared it was a marvellous idea and that she would do the same. We promised to let each other know where we ended up, and one by one climbed into the cannon. Bryg had a comfortable landing at Ryndall, and I crashed onto Midnight Beach. As I curled up to sleep, I caught sight of the stones that litter Midnight, and pulled from my bos-hide pouch one I was given some time ago.

As I tried to settle comfortably to some rest, the sight of that smooth, round, black pebble with it's etched design reminded me of a gift I'd given to someone several cycles of the moon ago in circumstances similar to those in which I'd been given that stone. The idea for the gift was mine, but the work was mostly Denion's, and the result looked even better than I had hoped for. There were some questions I'd wished to ask, associated with the use of that gift. I wish there had been an opportunity to do so, for perhaps if I'd been able, then I might now have the knowledge to find some small piece of mind to replace the endless wondering and worrying that besets my mind while I wake and haunts my dreams while I sleep. The gift was well received at the time, as far as I can tell, but before I knew what was happening the chance to speak of it and matters allied to it was gone. Only for a time - though that time has seemed interminable... not gone forever ... I have to hold on to that thought.